9月25日,苏州大学举办了2018级新生开学典礼,熊思东校长在典礼上以《相遇》为题发表了热情洋溢、语重心长的讲话,引起了热烈反响和广泛共鸣。今天,我们邀请了15名“苏州大学学生海外交流协会(Student International Communication Association ,简称 ‘SICA’) 的成员朗诵新鲜出炉的英文版,与大家分享。下面,让我们一起欣赏来自SICA小伙伴的朗读吧。
The Meeting
—— 在苏州大学2018级新生开学典礼上的讲话
A Message to the New Students at Soochow University Opening Ceremony 2018
By President Xiong Sidong
Dear students and colleagues,
The September Suzhou seems to have a poetic charm that defines the southern land, doesn’t it? Yesterday we celebrated a moon-lit Mid-autumn Festival, and today, the Moon will be at its fullest, as we gather here to witness the 2018 University Opening Ceremony for the new students. On behalf of Soochow University, I’d like to extend my cordial welcome to the 11,884 new students from 38 foreign countries and 34 Chinese provinces, municipalities and autonomous or special administrative regions. Thank you for your trust in Soochow University!
Among you, 4,385 students were born in 2000 or after, accounting for 72.65% of the new undergraduates. Congratulations! You have an admirable aura that comes with the times and that aura also means responsibilities. You are collectively defined as the Millennial Generation, and you will collectively define the future. For the University, you are the once-in-a-century star generation since your 18 years of age, if you were born in 2000, coincides with the University’s age of 118 minus 100.
同学们,相遇是缘分。著名哲学家、教育家Martin Buber(马丁·布伯))曾说过:凡真实的人生,皆是相遇。正如法学院邹筱迪同学所说:六月,在考场书写梦想;七月,等来苏大的鲜红信函;八月,整理行装带上梦想;九月,迎来了与苏大美好的相遇。数学学院刘楷辰同学,当你收到由你姐姐参与设计的录取通知书时,心中是否有一点点惊喜、一点点自豪?希望你珍藏好这份通知书,同时也将姐姐对你的期待、对苏大的挚爱留在心中;教育学院王曹仡超同学,你7月29日提前40天来校“报到”,在传说中的“土豪食堂”享用了第一顿大学午餐,希望你继续保持这份敢为人先的激情,不仅在食堂里,在课堂上也要一马当先;
Dear young ladies and gentlemen, any meeting is an inexplicable connection. Martin Buber, a renowned philosopher and educator, states that all beings’ meetings with one another shape and define their authentic existence. Our meeting may be interpreted differently. Miss Zou Xiaodi from the Kenneth Wang Law School said that she sat the gaokao exams in June, proudly received the letter of offer in July and sorted out her luggage and aspirations in August, all for a beautiful meeting at Soochow University in September. Miss Liu Kaichen from the School of Mathematics, were you proudly surprised when you received the notice of admission that your elder sister was involved in designing? I hope you’ll treasure that notice as a testimony to your sister’s expectation of you and her love for the University. Mr. Wang Caoyichao from the School of Education, you arrived at the University on July 29th, 40 days ahead of the official registration day, and had your first university lunch in what is jokingly crowned “the tycoon Cafeteria”. Well, I hope you will keep that passion and determination to be ‘the first’ in the classroom as well.
Miss Lazhen from the School of Business, you traveled more than 4300 kilometers across 7 provinces from Tibet, taking 48 hours and 30 minutes and finally got here. I assume you began to know more about growth once you started your long journal all alone. Mr. Wang Shiyang from the Kenneth Wang Law School, your senior fellow students, knowing that you were joining them, mapped out for you “an accessible campus”, which I hope will guide you around and all the way to your summit in life. Mr. Wu Yuxuan from CW Chu College, the moment you learned that your academic supervisor was also your father’s teacher when your father pursued his studies here, were you amazed by the encounter of lineages both in blood and academic terms? I hope that you’ll carry that connection forward and keep it alive with an excellence possibly unrivaled by that of your father.
Today is the eighteenth day since your official registration here. Are you satisfied? Days ago, a mini-survey was conducted, involving three questions for you. Is Soochow University as you idealized it? What is it like, as you see it? And, what do you anticipate it to be? The results show that your deions include ‘beautiful environment’, ‘accumulative excellence’, and ‘commitment to learning’. Much to my relief, Soochow University as you see it does not disappoint you, and I hope it never will.
However, I understand the grievances of those living on this very campus, a campus of “rare royal scenery unduly festooned with the humblest of dorms”, and of those boys on the Yangchenghu Campus (where girls are disproportionately few) who ‘must solely devote to learning, not to ‘her’, and of many on the Dushuhu Campus who were astounded by the ’wild expanse of reed marsh‘. Your voices are heard. We need a little more time and your patience to make things better. Regarding the University’s future, many of you expect it to ’go beyond Asia and become globally visible‘ and ultimately become ’the one‘. This is not a humble goal after all, but we are confident that Soochow University will surely have more reasons to be proud of in the future.
I’m sure every student here has his or her narrative, and your coming to Soochow University, whether as a result of coincidence or of unchanging devotion, is the most touching story on campus in this golden autumn. Here at a time-honored institution in a great era of transformation, you will meet people unremittingly pursuing perfection. You will spend your next 4 to 7 years here, or more, and there will be many people and much scenery for you to discover or explore. Dear students, no such meeting has ever come easily. If it is not treasured, it will end up a brief encounter preceding an eternal separation. But if you value time in its own right, transiency will become an eternity that bears witness to your youth and your effort to bring out the best in you. I’d like to share with you some of my thoughts in this regard.
Don’t be tourists here. For your first encounter with Soochow University, many of you will have posed before the Clock Tower and made it a signature Wechat moment, as many real tourists do here. In fact, the charm of the university is not confined to its architecture combining Chinese and Western styles. It has much more sights to offer, for example, professors contemplating while walking under the falling golden gingko leaves, students reading aloud by the Watch Tower early in the morning, and teachers and students happily immersed in their scholarly inquires in the pavilion. I feel tempted to say that the University will become more beautiful because of you. Where we stand right now is exactly where the university was inaugurated, and it should be where your dream takes wings.
中外合作办学 本科生
Soochow University was founded here in 1900. Over the past 118 years, the entire university community has always been buttressed by its motto of ’Unto a full grown man‘, already inscribed in the consciousness of the University, and its ever-questing, never-yielding character. The university had a difficult time after its inception, and later managed to attract or develop a great number of renowned scholars and men of letters during the Republic of China period; now it has become a big talent pool. It was the first university in China to offer postgraduate and jurisprudence programs; it was the ’most rapidly rising university globally‘ years ago, and now it is covered by the national ’double first-rates‘ plan. In fact, all presences here, trees, buildings, monuments and beyond, are a witness to how we have struggled to become what we are.
Dear young ladies and gentlemen, since your official admission, you have become part of the university community instead of mere tourists; you will shape the university as you represent it now. Your admission means a bigger stage unfolding, where you learn to think globally, engage the world, grow, and realize yourself. Everything about you here, your youth and pursuits, gains and losses, joy and suffering, sweat and tears, will be part of the university’s memory, if not legacy. Along with the 500,000 alumni, you are expected to carry our culture forward and substantiate the university’s pursuit of perfection with vitality and passion. In the future, when you look back on your time here, I hope you will recollect your endeavors in addition to those youthful moments.
Don’t be passers-by in the prime of youth. Many of you, at the age of 18, are literally budding or blossoming. Your coming years here will be a golden period in your life since it will set the tone for your next 10, 20 or 40 years, and that influence may go well beyond your own life and generation. From today on, there will be no one around to hurry you up from a sleep-in, no one around to urge you to finish your homework, and even no one around to prevent your absence. You are responsible for your life as a show to be presented on the stage since you are the sole playwright, director and actor. Some of you may think you have plenty of time to squander before you activate your ’curve wrecker‘ mode, but don’t you know that many students of our Wenzhi Academy began their academic inquires in the classroom the second day after their registration. I believe that is supposed to be the way one’s university life unfolds.
Here is my advice. Read more of inspiring classics, watch less of soap operas. Scrutinize established conclusions with reason instead of worshipping so-called authorities. Get more involved in extracurricular activities and less indulgent in virtual social-networking. Look afar and beyond the par value of your exam paper. Work out more and stay up less because ailment knows no age and a healthy body is the prerequisite for personal success. Of course, you can have your own romance, but be committed and faithful. Don't ever forget your parents back at home while you decide to travel afar and see the world. In short, learn to think independently, plan your life, teach yourself, pursue self-perfection, be your own captain and try not to be simply passers-by in youth. I trust that you will bring out the best in you.
Don’t be lookers-on in 2018 and beyond. Dear students, we are now at a critical historical juncture as we try to realize the “two centenary goals” and move closer to the central stage of the international community. In 2019, the People’s Republic of China will celebrate its 70th birthday; in 2020, a moderately well-off society and the first centenary goal will have been realized, and we will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of Soochow University. In 2021, the Communist Party of China will celebrate its 100th birthday. Here at beautiful Soochow University, your prime of youth coincides with a great era. You must be confident and eager to try your talent and do something great.
The new era does not come for no reason, and history will only favor those who are committed, industrious and unyielding. Get involved in this era as doers; do not be onlookers. As the most youthful and energetic souls of our community, you are expected to remember the goal and responsibility of “self-cultivation, family regulation, state governance, and bringing peace to all under Heaven”; you are expected to merge your personal youth and dream into the trend of the times and the dream of the nation. Dear students, I urge you to treasure every single second, let your dream take wings, forge ahead, and turn our meeting here at Soochow University in the great times into a bridge leading up to the future.
Dear young ladies and gentlemen, your university life is like a blank book whose title page is already opened. Our meeting today is just the preface, and you are here to write its chapters. The charm of our meeting lies in your inclusiveness, care, industry and struggle. I hope you will look at the plural world with an inclusive mind, care about every person you encounter, and value every experience and moment so that you will live a life worthy of your youth, your aspiration, your dream, and your endeavor. Work hard and let your future tell!
In 2018, as Soochow University turns 118 and many of you turn 18, we come here for this beautiful meeting. Everything happens for a reason and in a way it is meant to be. I wish you the very best of luck.