花椒盘二孢是盘二孢属真菌。编号NFG-96-5定名人陆燕君 李桂林NomenclaOuyang Yousheng and Hu Yanxing发表文章盘二孢属一新种 -- 花椒盘二孢ArticleStudies on the Taxonomy of Asterina in China II.作者陆燕君 李桂林AuthorOuyang Yousheng, Song Bin and Hu Yanxing作者单位山东农业大学, 泰安 271018摘要花椒盘二孢 Marssonina zanthoxyla Y.J.Lu sp. nov. 是寄生在芸香科花椒属植 物上的一种寄生菌, 本文有汉文和拉丁文的形态描述和新 种的讨论.AbstractIn this paper, twenty-three species of Asteruna Lev, including two new species and fifteen new records, are reported from China. The twonew speices are: Asterina helicateris Y.S.Ou