叉须金长足虻,动物界-节肢动物门-昆虫纲-双翅目-长足虻科-金长足虻属。Head brightly metallic green with pale grey pollen. Hairs and bristles on head black except middle and lower postocular bristles including posteroventral hairs pale yellow; frons with 1 very short black anterior hair on posterolateral slope; 1 vt much shorter than oc. Ocellar tubercle with 2 very long strong oc and 2 short posterior hairs. Antenna black; pedicel with circlet of short black apical bristles except 1 dorsal bristle and 2 ventral bristles relatively long; first flagellomere nearly trapezoid, nearly as long as wide; arista shorter than head and thorax together, upper apical, blackish. Proboscis brownish yellow with black hairs; palpus dark yellow with black hairs and 2 black apical bristles. Thorax brightly metallic green with pale grey pollen. Hairs and bristles on thorax black; 2 long posterior dc and 3 hairs anteriad; 3 long irregularly paired acr; 1 ih, 1 ph, 1 su, 1 sa, 1 psa, 2 npl; scutellum with 2 pair of sc, basal pair about 1/5