WEE1(WEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase),癌症关联基因,基因ID:7465,该基因编码一种核蛋白,这是一种属于SER/THR蛋白激酶家族的酪氨酸激酶。这种蛋白催化CDC2/cyclin B激酶的抑制性酪氨酸磷酸化,并似乎通过保护细胞核免受细胞质激活的CDC2激酶的影响来协调DNA复制和有丝分裂之间的转换。This gene encodes a nuclear protein, which is a tyrosine kinase belonging to the Ser/Thr family of protein kinases. This protein catalyzes the inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of CDC2/cyclin B kinase, and appears to coordinate the transition between DNA replication and mitosis by protecting the nucleus from cytoplasmically activated CDC2 kinase.关联癌症:弥漫性固有桥脑胶质瘤,非小细胞肺癌。关联化疗药物:AZD1775,PLATINUM。