泽水龙虱,节肢动物门-昆虫纲-鞘翅目-龙虱科。Habitus oblong oval, sides of elytra more or less evenly rounded; outline in dorsal view with discontinuity between pronotum and elytron. Sides of pronotum almost straight and weaky converging forwards in posterior three quarters, anteriorly strongly curved inwards. Posterior angles not rounded, slightly obtuse. In dorsal view epipleural rim (or lateral margin of elytron) visible only at base of elytron because sides of elytra turned inwards almost over whole length. In lateral view epipleural rim distinctly ascending towards humeral angle, but on no account as strongly as e.g. in H. caspius. Apically elytron obliquely truncate, this, however, not perceptible in dorsal view. Very short and indistinct setae on posterior half of elytra.