弹簧测试机弹簧测试机产品说明 HD-1030 弹簧测试机(行业标准) Zig Zag Spring & Foam Tester (又称为弹簧测试机,蛇簧试验机,弹簧测试仪)用於測試沙發坐墊的彈簧框架及彈簧包和彈簧坐墊的耐久性和承受力 弹簧测试机目的 本产品型号为海达仪器HD-1030, 本机专为沙发弹簧框架和弹簧包而设计的測試仪器,它可滿足以下三種測試要求This tester is designed for the test of the zig-zag spring assembly and spring pack used in sofa manufacturing , it can perform the following kinds of test requirements1)耐久性測試 / Durability Tes 可按預设定之压力条件进行重复按压測試,週期可预设定,到数自动停止。The spring undergone a repeated specific force , the test cycles is pre-settable, and the test stop when the set cycle is up.2)压缩量程与压力关系检测 / Fix stroke test 压板按预设定行程下压, 到位停止。在压力表上读取该行程的弹簧力.The presser comes down to a specify stoke, read the force on that stroke from the pressure gauge.3)特定压力下弹簧压缩量检測 / Fix force test压板下压至设定压力后停止,显示屏上显示该压力值的压缩行程长度。The presser comes down to a specify force, the