




继往开来、革故鼎新。张贯京董事长在访谈中提到,深圳作为改革开放的先锋城市,既是改革开放坚定不移的践行者和排头兵,又是改革开放最大的爱益者。深圳良好的创新环境、完善的配套体系、浓郁的创业氛围,不仅造就了华为、中兴、腾讯等顶尖科技创新企业,更培育了很多像易特科集团一样的行业代表性高新技术企业。也正是千千万万家像易特科集团一样 “脚踏实地、埋头苦干”、“甘坐冷板凳,十年磨一剑”的创新企业,以敢为人先的勇气、创业创新的锐气、拼搏进取的朝气铺就了一条创新大道,才成就了深圳这座世界级创新型城市的繁荣发展,向全世界发出中国改革开放40年的时代强音!








On October 19th, 2018, a group of 4 directors and reporters from Shenzhen TV Station "To Pay tribute to Shenzhen" visited the E-Tech Group Shenzhen headquarters today for a full day of hard work and in-depth interviews to produce "To Pay tribute to Shenzhen Cote Series, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Shenzhen's reform and opening up and E-Techco Group's 15 years of professional cultivation and innovation development in the field of medical and health, as one of the series of heavy activities of the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Memorial Special Zone, it is expected It will be broadcast during the prime time of the Shenzhen TV station city channel and other channels. Friends from all walks of life, please look forward to the video!

Mr. Zhang Guanjing, Chairman and CEO of E-Techco (Qianhai AnyCheck), was interviewed as a leader in the national smart medical industry. He shared E-Techco Group's efforts to seize opportunities, reform, bold innovation and grow into wisdom in the wave of reform and opening up in Shenzhen. The legend of the medical high-tech enterprise group。

The spirit of Shenzhen, which dares to be the first, has made the innovation development of E-Techco Group

Carrying forward the past and the future. Chairman Zhang Guanjing mentioned in his interview that Shenzhen, as a pioneer city of reform and opening up, is not only an unshakable practitioner and leader of reform and opening up, but also the biggest beneficiary of reform and opening up. Shenzhen's good innovation environment, perfect supporting system and strong entrepreneurial atmosphere not only created top technology innovation companies such as Huawei, ZTE, and Tencent, but also cultivated countless high-tech enterprises like the E-Techco Group. It is just like the E-Techco Group, which dares to be an innovative enterprise that “has a down-to-earth, hard work,” and “sit on the bench, ten years of grinding a sword”, with the courage to be the first person, the spirit of entrepreneurial innovation, The vigorous and enterprising spirit has paved the way for innovation, which has made the world-class innovative city of Shenzhen prosperous and prosperous, and has sent the world a strong voice of the 40 years of China's reform and opening up!

Engage in scientific research, "can sit on the cold bench" to "because of Iron Man"

When it comes to innovation and R&D, Chairman Zhang Guanjing feels that the investment in medical research and development is large, the cycle is long, and the effect is slow, which has caused many companies to stop. However, E-Techco Group always adheres to technology leadership, innovation-driven, and annual work on intellectual property. Investment, accounting for more than 10% of research and development investment, and this proportion will only continue to grow! We firmly believe that only like Huawei, with strong product strength and scientific research and development capabilities to support, can really take root in the fierce competition in Shenzhen.

E-Techco Group has applied for/owned 3,060 various intellectual property rights, applied for 2,324 patents, applied for 306 software copyrights, applied for 33 domestic and foreign trademarks, and 384 other intellectual property rights. Two subsidiaries of E-Techco Group-Shenzhen Qianhai Anyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen E-Techco Information Technology Co., Ltd. ranked fourth and fifth in the world in the patent application list of global wisdom medical field. It is the only Chinese company to enter the top five of the list. It is the top Chinese scientific research institution in the global wisdom medical patent ranking. E-Techco Group ranks first and second in the same industry in China.

Nowadays, E-Techco Group has a first-class international talent team, with Nobel Prize Lab, national academician workstation, and national post-doctoral workstation. The core scientists include one Nobel Prize scientist, 5 Chinese and foreign academicians, and 10 professors. There are 28 doctors from well-known universities and research institutes at home and abroad, 10 top bioanalytical and transmitter scientists in Europe, and more than 200 product research and development personnel.

The strength of E-Techco Group comes from the R&D and innovation of AI Medical by our team of life medical scientists. The confidence of E-Techco Group comes from the recognition of our smart medical products by authoritative medical institutions all over the country.

Do not forget the original mind to remember the mission, health is the eternal pursuit of E-Techco Group

Finally, Chairman Zhang Guanjing emphasized that it is the mission and goal of E-Techco Group to protect the quality of life of the people and provide the people with a healthy guardianship for the rest of their lives! In the R&D and innovation work of AI+ Smart Health, AI+ Aided Diagnosis, AI+ Medical Imaging, etc., we always put people's health in a strategic position of priority development, constantly improve the system, expand services, improve quality, and let the broad masses of people enjoy systematic continuous prevention. Health care services such as treatment, rehabilitation, health promotion, etc., to realize human health dreams, E-Techco's Chinese dream.
