2018年4月28日 ,04.28 【周六】X Saturdays: Her Way在 Mono House 精彩上演。
Mono House
JennY X
In March of 2018,
JennY X starts a new monthly party series called
“X Saturdays : Her Way“
JennY X will invite excellent female DJ talents from China and abroad, to put, together with her, Monohouse’s dance floor on fire.
“X Saturdays: Her Way“ parties will be fun themed, colorful playgrounds for grown ups. Every time presenting different styles of music. Think of what you always wanted to dress when you were a kid. Your favorite fairy tale. Now is the time to make your dream come true. No matter you come in crystal slippers or bare feet. With a wizards hat, as the ugly duckling or the white swan. You will be welcome in a vivid world of light and colors.
Temple Rat
自幼学习中国民乐乐器二胡受到中国 传统古典民乐的影响是May能将电子 乐与民乐结合的灵感源泉, 对于May来 说电子乐带来的感受犹如沙漠中驰骋,坚持用极简鼓点混合强硬的旋律,来制造出属于她的电子音乐核心.从成 都一些地下俱乐部的试水再到受邀在上海,新疆,云南,苏州等地演出,May在不断的积累与锻造她对于电子音乐的经验与技巧.她心中对于电子 乐不同寻常的独特见解与创新,都在她的音乐中进行了完美的诠释与表达. 在她的音乐维度里最能够感受到的是强有力的4/4拍频率,同时她擅长结合来自大自然的声音,宗教的元素以及很多耳目一新的声音,能把更多不同的 好音乐带给大家是May最想通过音乐所传递的理念。
May grew up in Chengdu. She began to learn the Chinese folk music instrument - Erhu when she was 9 years old. Inspired by her passion for electronic music, she started to explore the combination of traditional Chinese folk music with electronic music. Where a new unique Chinese element was beautifully blended in her sound-tracks. She tried out in Chengdu underground scene first and was discovered by many producers. This led to invitations to perform in Shanghai, Xinjiang, Kunming, Suzhou. During this time, people from other cultures started to recognize this creative artist. The combination of strong eastern 4×4 frequency, nature, ancient rhyme and industrial rhythm has formed a unprecedented “May style”.
JENNY X拥有6年的职业DJ生涯,由于最初自身对于音乐的喜爱,从2008年开始学习并从事到DJ行业当中。成为一名DJ之后,她发现电子音乐带给她的是一个拥有无限可能的世界,对于音乐的理解也随之演变,她凭借着对音乐的执着和狂热,不断地为现场的听众注入新鲜的聆听感受。
2013年,JENNY X选择旅居德国,迅速将视野投向聆听性与艺术性俱佳的德系电子音乐。而在出没于欧洲电子音乐派对,接受各类PARTY MUSIC的洗礼之后,也为她的音乐世界打开了另一扇窗,同时也为她的音乐之路开启了一段崭新的旅程。
Starting off with mixing vinyl, Nanjing based Jenny X moved the crowds of clubs with funky and jazzy tunes, crossing genres since 2008.
In 2013 Jenny X moved to Germany.
Deeply inspired from her two years stay in the home country of Paul Kalkbrenner, Donato Dozzy and Mike Parker, Jenny X discovered house music and techno as her ultimate passion.
Her experience and love for the music are the heartbeat behind her unique deep and tech house vibes.
Everybody who experiences her can feel the way she runs on pure emotion. Her presence is enlightening as she bestows the power of her tunes onto the crowds.
As a result, Jenny X is consistently putting china’s most distinguished dance floors on fire.
此刻的Monohouse就好像一个小型剧院,你爱的故事都将音乐声中一一变成现实!带着自由的幻想加入我们,X Saturdays跟随Her Way 开启派对新玩法···