2016年1月22日 ,张海鸥钢琴独奏音乐会在 苏州文化艺术中心 精彩上演。
2015年荣获首届德国Dr.Eva Maria Zbick艺术家成就奖
2010年德国创立以张海鸥名字命名的“Haiou Zhang国际音乐节”
虽然中国人对张海鸥不那么熟悉,然而在欧洲、北美以及南美等国家中他却被众多古典乐迷熟知并喜爱,拥有一大群拥趸:因为他的名字经常耀眼于各大报刊、网站上;电台、电视台多次采访、现场直播或录制他的音乐会;他被媒体美誉为“键盘老虎”;在德国拥有以他名字命名的“Haiou Zhang国际音乐节”……
他受邀于国际重要的音乐节举办独奏音乐会:如德国石荷州音乐节、基辛根之夏、梅克伦堡音乐节、威尔堡音乐节、奥格斯堡莫扎特音乐节、布伦瑞克音乐节、维尔茨堡巴赫音乐节以及法国贝桑松音乐节、法国Cassis海岸音乐节、瑞士日内瓦音乐节、意大利西西里夏季音乐节、挪威奥斯陆Vige land Museet系列……
他多次在世界著名的音乐厅里演奏:如柏林宪兵广场音乐厅、 柏林爱乐大厅、慕尼黑Gasteig音乐厅、波恩贝多芬音乐厅、汉堡莱茨音乐厅、杜塞尔多夫音乐厅以及荷兰的阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、奥地利维也纳音乐厅、加拿大多伦多CBC格伦﹒古尔德音乐厅、多伦多艺术中心、巴西圣保罗音乐厅……
慕尼黑《南德日报》资深乐评家Wolfgang Schreiber对张海鸥2008年李斯特钢琴作品独奏音乐会高度评价:“十九世纪浪漫乐派的所有钢琴文献中,李斯特B小调钢琴奏鸣曲算是最具挑战性、音乐性最复杂的巨作。张海鸥的诠释使我深深折服,他的钢琴技巧已经炉火纯青。我们很难找出相应的词汇来描述他那不可相信的成熟及淋漓尽致的表演。”
鉴于张海鸥的杰出表现,2010年德国布克斯特胡德创立了以他名字命名的“Haiou Zhang国际音乐节”。德国的音乐节通常以著名音乐家而命名,如贝多芬音乐节、门德尔松音乐节、舒曼音乐节等,而Haiou Zhang国际音乐节是第一个以华人音乐家而命名的音乐节。该音乐节至2015年已成功举办六届,目前已成为大汉堡地区最具有活力和影响力的夏季古典音乐节。2015年,德国北莱茵州-威斯特法伦奥伯豪森市又将德国首届Dr.Eva Maria Zbick艺术家成就奖隆重授予为古典音乐事业做出卓越贡献的张海鸥。
张海鸥曾录制多张唱片。2010年为纪念钢琴巨匠李斯特诞辰200周年,世界著名古典音乐品牌汉斯勒唱片公司特邀他录制《李斯特钢琴作品》CD。该CD在同年众多同类作品中脱颖而出,受到世界各主流音乐媒体和乐评人的好评和推荐。世界最重要的古典音乐杂志英国《留声机》杂志首席乐评家Bryce Morrison将他演绎的李斯特作品赞誉为“大师级的手笔,具有跨越历史的震撼力”。其中《埃斯特庄园水的嬉戏》曾两周内在德国最大MP3下载网站TONSPION古典榜名列第一;《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》被收入台湾金革唱片推出的《璀璨•日耳曼2011-2012The Best of Hänssler》绝对值得珍藏的年度限定盤中。
„The B minor Sonata of Liszt, in music once considered technically unplayable and musically incomprehensible, Haiou Zhang recreates a visionary masterpiece and a landmark in the history of music with exceptional grandeur and lucidity(…)Haiou Zhang is a most serious artist.” ------Gramophone Magazine, Bryce Morrison
„Haiou Zhang gives a true bang-up performance that I’m sure both Liszt and Horowitz would smile at .” ------American Record Guide, James Harrington
Only in his mid-20’s,Haiou Zhang has received wide recognition by critics and audiences in
Europe, North and South America and the Far East.
His Liszt CD Album under the German label Hänssler Classic is now on the market worldwide. Both Lufthansa and KLM have selected it in the official board music programs. Reviews have been raves throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, and South America.
Highlights in recent and upcoming seasons engagements include NDR Radio Philharmonic Hanover under Andrew Manze, Ontario Philharmonic under Marco Parisotto, Heidelberg Symphony udner Thomas Fey, Philharmonie Festiva under Gerd Schaller , Russian Chamber Philharmonic St. Petersburg under Juri Gilbo, Orchestra Filharmonica della Calabria under Filippo Arlia, as well debuts at he Concergebouw Amsterdam, Beethovenfest in Bonn, at the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Canadian Opera House in Toronto, the NCPA Beijing, Beijing Concert Hall and recitals in Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Geneva, Vienna, Catania, Olso and St. Moritz.
Haiou Zhang conquered thousands of his concert goers throughout the 2010 Canadian Tour
with the Slovak State Symphony Orchestra, with Beethoven’s Emperor piano concerto. Ten
concerts, almost all sold out and each concert ended up with standing ovations. He
subsequently recorded for the label ACR Beethoven’s ”Emperor” piano concerto at the Glenn Gould Studio of CBC.
Engagements as a soloist have included with the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, Ukraine
State Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Warsaw Symphony Orchestra, Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra, Bochum Symphony Orchestra, Mannheim Mozart Orchestra, Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra, Polish Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Klassik Philharmonie Hamburg, Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn.
Piano recital débuts include Toronto Centre for the Arts in Canada, Sala Sao Paulo in Brazil
and the most prestiges venues in Germany: Konzerthaus Berlin, Philharmonie Berlin,
Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Gasteig in Munich, Schleswig-Holstein Musik
Festival, Kissinger Sommer, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Braunschweig Classix
Festival, Würzburg Bach Festival, Augsburg Mozart Festival and Festival International de Musique de Besançon.
Haiou is heard regularly in concerts and interviews for various radio stations and television,
such as CCTV China, SF1 Switzerland, NPR, CBC, Classical FM96.3, Ontario TV Canada,
Radio 4 Netherland, ORF 1 Austria, Radio New Zealand, France télévision 3, Bavarian Radio 4, NDR, WDR, Deutschlandradio Kultur and the Deutsche Welle TV.
His great success at the Fifth International Vladimir Horowitz Piano Competition in Kiev followed a CD production at the NDR. In 2005 he won the prestiges Gundlach Music Award in Hanover and has been Fellow of Theodor Lessing Foundation, the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, the Ottilie-Selbach-Redslob Foundation and the Vera-Ritter Foundation. In 2007 he was awarded the Audience Prize at the Bad Kissingen Piano Olympics. As a keen chamber musician, he also won the 1st Prize at the China National Piano Duo Competition.
Beside his concert career, he is also founder and artistic director of International Music Festival Buxtehude in Northern Germany, supporting talented young musicians. The festival became the most successful music institution in the Hamburg metropolitan area during the last five seasons.
Haiou Zhang is a guest professor teaching at the renowned Val Tidone International Masterclass and Honorary music professor at the University of Arts Inner Mongolia in China. Further masterclasses in Canada, USA, Germany and diverse cities in China.
Haiou Zhang received his very first piano lesson at the age of almost nine years old. Two years later he stands out as the one of the only 4 (150 in total) candidates get accepted into the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and graduated in 2002 with special honors. In 2011, he graduated with the best note in the soloist-class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover with Prof. Bernd Goetzke, the last pupil of the legendary pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli.
In Autumn 2016, Haiou Zhang has received the Dr. Eva Maria Zbick Artist award honoured by the City of Oberhausen in Germany, for his musical and cultural achievement.
莫扎特 (1756-1791) F大调第十二钢琴奏鸣曲 K.332
W. A. MOZART Piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major K.332
贝多芬 (1770-1827) c大调第二十一钢琴奏鸣曲作品53 “黎明”
L. V. BEETHOVEN Piano sonata in C Major Op. 53, ”Waldstein”
中场休息 Intermission
斯克里亚宾 (1872-1915) 为左手而创作的前奏曲和夜曲 Op. 9
A. SCRIABIN Prelude and Nocturne for the left hand, Op. 9
李斯特 (1811-1886) 圣方济向鸟儿布道(选自两首传奇曲)
F.LISZT St. François d'Assise: la prédication aux oiseaux (No.1)
李斯特 (1811-1886) 埃斯特庄园水的嬉戏 (选自旅游岁月)
F.LISZT Les jeux deaux à la villa d’este (Années de pèlerinage)
德彪西 (1862-1918) 十二首钢琴练习曲 No. 11 ''为复合琶音而作''
C. DEBUSSY Étude No. 11 pour les arpèges composés
拉威尔 (1875-1937) 圆舞曲 - 管弦乐的舞蹈诗(拉威尔改编为钢琴独奏曲)
M. RAVEL La Valse: poème chorégraphique pour orchestre
(arr. for solo piano by Ravel)
Program subject to change