2016黑白键钢琴系列?菁英 安吉拉?齐拉乾钢琴独奏音乐会

2016年9月24日 ,2016黑白键钢琴系列•菁英 安吉拉•齐拉乾钢琴独奏音乐会在 苏州文化艺术中心 精彩上演。







2016黑白键钢琴系列•菁英 安吉拉•齐拉乾钢琴独奏音乐会

演出城市: 苏州

演出地点: 苏州文化艺术中心演艺厅

演出时间: 2016-09-24  19:30


2016 黑白键钢琴系列音乐会·菁英

Piano Recital Series·The Exponents


Angela Cholakyan Piano Recital

美籍俄罗斯裔钢琴家安吉拉·齐拉乾博士(Dr.Angela Cholakyan)是当今国际知名的音乐艺术家、钢琴家、协奏家、教育家。13岁便被称为天才,并被亚美尼亚的Yerevan柴可夫斯基天才儿童学校录取,投入当时著名的钢琴演奏家,俄罗斯钢琴演奏学派的创始人Heinrich Neuhaus以及Amalia Baibourtian的门下。 而后,转到莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院,师从著名的Yevgeni Malinin学琴,并被钢琴大师和Heinrich Neuhaus选为助教。Arno Babajanian(著名钢琴家和作曲家,莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院毕业委员会主席)称赞“Angela Cholakyan是同时代最有前途的年轻艺术家之一”。1988年,Angela Cholakyan前往洛杉矶,在南加州大学获得音乐艺术博士学位和艺术家文凭学位,南加大的桑顿音乐学院称其为“最杰出的博士研究生”。

如今作为一个音乐家,她在世界各地巡回演出,出席于许多国际音乐节,并担任许多钢琴大赛的评委。目前,安吉拉·齐拉乾博士(Dr.Angela Cholakyan)任教于苏州大学音乐学院,担任音乐表演、钢琴系的教授。


安吉拉·齐拉乾博士(Dr. Angela Cholakyan)出生在俄罗斯南部索契。她6岁开始接受专业音乐教育,13岁时Angela Cholakyan与亚美尼亚国家交响乐团合作演奏李斯特的《协奏曲1号》,被誉为天才琴童,由此开始了她的艺术生涯。此后她在俄罗斯、乌克兰、亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、东欧、美国、澳大利亚和中国等地演出。

Angela Cholakyan出生在俄罗斯,青少年时期在具有优良钢琴演奏传统的俄罗斯学校学习,随后以优异成绩毕业于莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院。Arno Babajanian(著名钢琴家和作曲家,莫斯科国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院毕业委员会主席)称赞”Angela Cholakyan是同时代最有前途的年轻艺术家之一“。1988年,Angela Cholakyan前往洛杉矶,在南加州大学获得音乐艺术博士学位和艺术家文凭学位,南加大的桑顿音乐学院称其为“最杰出的博士研究生”。求学生涯中,Angela Cholakyan师从多位知名艺术家和教授,包括Amalia Baibourtian、Yevgeny Malinin、Yelena Prokhorova、Norman Krieger 。


作为一名演奏家,Cholakyan博士参与了很多演出,例如:与桑顿交响乐团合作《柴可夫斯基协奏曲1号》(指挥:Carl St. Clair);与圣贝纳迪诺交响乐团合作《肖邦协奏曲2号》(指挥:Carlo Ponti Jr.);与桑顿管乐/打击乐团合作梅西安《Oiseaux Exotiques》(指挥:Dr. Larry Livingston);献给Arno Babajanjan先生的作品讲解/演奏会,演奏会上演奏了该作曲家的全部钢琴作品。还在亚美尼亚共和国和哈萨克斯坦共和国等地举办巡回演出。

2013年,齐拉乾博士开始担任苏州大学音乐学院钢琴教授,并参与举办多场亚洲巡演音乐会:其中包括她与著名大提琴家Alexander Suleiman(现担任苏州大学音乐学院大提琴教授)合作在中国首次演出了德国作曲家Franz Hummel创作的“Fleeing Paganini"("逃离帕格尼尼"),以及独奏了美国知名作曲家Robert McClure(现任苏州大学音乐学院作曲教授)创作的现代钢琴独奏作品”Desert Miniatures” (沙漠缩影) 等。


作为一名教育家,Cholakyan博士拥有超过25年的丰富教学经验。受莫斯科式钢琴演奏的影响,她创新了这种植根于欧洲19世纪的传统演奏方式,并形成了她的个人教学方式。Cholakyan提出了各种主题的钢琴演奏技巧和不同层次的教学方法,强调通过结构和形式的结合来解读音乐的风格和作曲家的个性,并表达曲目的情感。她的教学风格吸引了众多世界各地的青年钢琴家,她本人也非常支持青年人才的培养。MTAC荣誉和奖学金选拔赛、CAPMT 音乐节、2010年中国深圳举办的国际青年钢琴家大赛等多项比赛都邀请Cholakyan博士做评委[1] 。

作为一名优秀的钢琴教师,Cholakyan博士创立了位于洛杉矶的俄罗斯音乐学院并在该校任教;在亚美尼亚埃里温国立音乐学院主教钢琴演奏和键盘相关的学科;在美国南加州大学担任诺曼·克里格教授的助理,克里格曾说“我没有足够的赞美之词来形容杰出的艺术家Angela Cholakyan,她在这里任教的七年间,不仅是我优秀的助理,更凭借其对音乐的深刻理解、丰富的理论知识和世界一流的钢琴演奏技巧深深的影响了我的学生”。


Angela Cholakyan博士参加过很多比赛并获得奖项:Sima Mannick音乐奖学金、Adele Marcus基金会奖、Harley Hamilton音乐奖学金、USC Friends of Armenian音乐奖,此外她还是Zakavkazski钢琴比赛、Vsesoyuzni钢琴比赛、南加州大学协奏曲比赛和佛罗里达州国际钢琴比赛的冠军 。

2013年起,Angela Cholakyan博士开始任教于苏州大学音乐学院,担任音乐表演、钢琴系教授。

In October 2014, Harmonia Mundi wrote:“Angela Cholakian is regarded as one of the most passionate and original pianists of romantic and contemporary compositions. With her phenomenal technique, she effortlessly puts into practice all that her obsessive imagination demands of her.” She is equally accomplished as a collaborative artist, educator, and lecturer. In recent years, her popularity grew significantly in China and Europe. In summer 2014, she was invited to start piano course in the famous Athenaeum Summer Academy for the Performing Arts in Rome, affiliated with Santa Cecilia Conservatory, the oldest conservatory in Italy. In addition, starting in August 2015, Angela Cholakian will be collaborating with the Sommeracademie in Neuburg An Der Donau in Germany.In October 2014, the CD recording of Angela Cholakian's performance of Franz Hummel's "33 Diabelli Variations" was released in Europe, North America and Japan.In his recent review, Jean-Yves Duperron, a prominent French musical critic, wrote in Classical Music Sentinel:"...Russian pianist Angela Cholakian immediately commands attention by her unflinching technique and uncompromising mastery of the music at hand. Her expressive playing always suits the style, and even adds to the character, of each and every different variation. The booklet notes indicate that she seems to be a worthy successor to the art of such pianists as Gilels and Richter. I believe a correction is in order. The word "is" should replace "seems to be" in my opinion.”

Born and raised in Russia, Angela Cholakian was trained in the best traditions of Russian School of Piano Performance. She began taking piano lessons at the age of 4. She was already a pupil of a music school when she was six, and when she was thirteen, she was accepted by the “Tchaikovsky Central School for Gifted Children”in Armenia, where she caused a sensation with  public performances of Liszt’s E flat Major, Chopin’s F minor and Brahms’s D minor piano concertos. At the age of seventeen she began to study music at the Moscow Conservatory with Yevgeny Malinin, Heinrich Neuhaus’s last assistant.Yevgeny Malinin described Angela’s playing as "...passionate, poetic, and virtuosic..."  One of the most celebrated Soviet pianists and composers, Arno Babajanian named Angela Cholakian "the most promising graduate of the year." She was particularly renowned for her dedication to contemporary works and for the meticulousness with which she worked on these with their composers.

Shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cholakian family immigrated to America. Here, Angela founded the well-known “Tchaikovsky Music Academy” in Los Angeles, where piano in the tradition of classical Russian style was taught. For ten years she was the Director of this artistic academy, where numerous students from the “Curtis Institute of Music” and the famous “Juilliard School” came to take additional private lessons with Cholakian. During this period, she also received her American “Artist Diploma” and the “Dr. of Musical Arts in Piano Performance”.

Angela Cholakian, who has performed concerts in America, Europe, Asia and the former Soviet Union, is a pianist whose phenomenal technique always serves her musical convictions and passion.

A piano pedagogue with over 25 years of experience, Angela Cholakian has strong committment to preservation of the best of European and Russian piano performance traditions. Today, she teaches as a Professor for Piano at Soochow University School of Music in China, because she is convinced that her legacy must be passed on. An ardent supporter of young talents, Angela Cholakian is often invited to judge piano competitions in the US and China and to lecture on piano performnace pedagogy.


演出曲目 Programme

莫扎特(1756-1791,奥地利)       Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

C大调钢琴奏鸣曲 K330       Sonata K330, C Major

贝多芬(1770-1827)       Ludwig van Beethoven

C小调钢琴奏鸣曲“悲怆”作品13号       Sonata Op. 13, c minor "Pathetique

李斯特(1811-1886)       Franz Liszt

西班牙狂想曲       Rhapsody Espagnole

中场休息 Intermission

肖邦(1810-1849,波兰)       Frédéric Chopin

夜曲作品 55号, 降E大调第2号       Nocturne Op. 55, No. 2, E flat Major

华丽大圆舞曲作品34号,F大调第3号       Grande Valse Brillante Op. 34, No. 3, F Major

圆舞曲作品64号,升c小调第2号       Valse Op. 64, No. 2, c sharp minor

辉煌大圆舞曲作品18号,降E大调       Grande Valse Brillante Op. 18, E flat Major

纯朴的行板与华丽的大波兰舞曲 作品 22  Andante Spianato  and Grande  Polonaise  Brilliante,  Op. 22


以实际演出曲目为准 This programme is subject to change.
