
2017年4月26日 ,弦上精灵—莎拉·张小提琴独奏音乐会在 西安音乐厅 精彩上演。













莎拉•张(Sarah Chang)是当代古典音乐世界中最具魅力和天赋的小提琴演奏家之一,师从美国小提琴教母迪蕾,与小提琴大师帕尔曼成了同门师兄妹。年仅9岁时就已成为EMI旗下的专属艺术家,推出的首张大碟为她赢得了世界声誉。19岁获得最声名显赫的奖项——埃弗里•菲舍尔奖。先后获《留声机》杂志“年度青年艺术家”奖、德国“回声”唱片奖、伦敦国际古典音乐奖的“年度新人”奖等。


亚洲人的面孔和欧洲的音乐表演风格,东西方文化的交融在莎拉•张身上得到最完美的体现。小提琴泰斗梅纽因称赞“她为有史以来最精彩、最完美、最理想的小提琴新秀” 。

“她的天资达到令人难以企及的高度,我们能做的只有表达无限的敬意,以及对自然造化的啧啧称奇。莎拉•张简直就是波提切利画笔下贝壳中诞生的维纳斯。” ——《纽约时报》


“Her gifts are at a level so removed from the rest of us that all we can do is feel the appropriate awe and then wonder on the mysteries of nature.  The ancients would certainly have had Ms. Chang emerging fully formed from some Botticellian scallop shell.”  ——The New York Times

Sarah Chang is recognised as one of the world’s great violinists.  Since her debut with the New York Philharmonic at the age of 8 she has performed with the greatest orchestras, conductors and accompanists internationally in a career spanning more than two decades.  In 2012, she will have recorded exclusively for EMI Classics for 20 years.

Ms. Chang tours extensively throughout the year.  Highlights in 2010/11 in the UK and the US include appearances with the London Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra (Washington), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Pittsburgh and Detroit Symphony Orchestras. She will also perform in Norway, Romania, Austria, Canada, Poland and Denmark.  Ms. Chang appears regularly in the Far East and returns to Seoul for concerts with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and to Guangzhou to perform with the Symphony Orchestra as part of the Asian Games Opening Festival.

In recital, Ms. Chang regularly travels internationally and her last season tour included visits to cities such as London, Zurich, Dublin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Moscow and St. Petersburg.  As a chamber musician, she has collaborated with such artists as Pinchas Zukerman, Wolfgang Sawallish, Yefim Bronfman, Leoif Ove Andsnes, Yo Yo Ma, the late Isaac Stern and members of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

Ms. Chang’s most recent recording for EMI Classics, performances of Brahms and Bruch violin concertos with Kurt Masur and the Dresdner Philharmonie was received to excellent critical and popular acclaim and was her 20th album for the label.  Her 2007 recording of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons attracted international commendation, with BBC Music Magazine stating: “She has never made a finer recording.”  She has also recorded Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.1 and Shostakovich Violin Concerto No.1 live with the Berliner Philharmoniker under the baton of Sir Simon Rattle, Fire and Ice, an album of popular shorter works for violin and orchestra with Placido Domingo conducting the Berliner Philharmoniker, the Dvorak concerto with the London Symphony Orchestra and Sir Colin Davis, as well as several chamber music and sonata discs with artists including pianists Leif Ove Andsnes and Lars Vogt.

In 2006, Ms. Chang was honored as one of 20 Top Women in Newsweek Magazine’s “Women and Leadership, 20 Powerful Women Take Charge” issue.  In March 2008, Ms. Chang was honored as a Young Global Leader for 2008 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) for her professional achievements, commitment to society and potential in shaping the future of the world.

In 2005, Yale University dedicated a chair in Sprague Hall in Sarah Chang’s name. For the June 2004 Olympic games, she was given the honor of running with the Olympic Torch in New York, and that same month, became the youngest person ever to receive the Hollywood Bowl’s Hall of Fame award. Also in 2004, Ms. Chang was awarded the Internazionale Accademia Musicale Chigiana Prize in Sienna, Italy. She is a past recipient of the Avery Fisher Prize, Gramophone’s “Young Artist of the Year” award, Germany’s “Echo” Schallplattenpreis, “Newcomer of the Year” honors at the International Classical Music Awards in London, and Korea’s “Nan Pa” award.  Ms. Chang has been named the US Embassy’s Artistic Ambassador from 2011.


罗马尼亚民间舞蹈                              贝拉·巴尔托克

Romanian Folk Dances                           Bela Bartok

D小调第三奏鸣曲                             约翰内斯·布拉姆斯

Sonata No. 3 in D Minor                      Johannes Brahms


A大调奏鸣曲                             凯撒·法郎克

Sonata in A Major                             César Franck

小提琴                    莎拉•张

Violin                      Sarah Chang

钢琴                       胡里奥•埃利萨尔德

piano                      Julio Elizalde

