
2017年10月8日 ,民谣之魂—当代爱尔兰民谣伊甸园的西方音乐会在 西安音乐厅 精彩上演。










“ 简 单 的 非 凡 !”

—— 摇 滚 的 卷 轴 ”( Rock ‘n’ Reel )杂志

“ 这个时代的大师 ”

—— UNT

“当代最好的 民 谣 乐 队 ”。

—— 爱尔兰音乐杂志( Irish Music Magazine)

“伊甸园的西方” 是瑞典一支独一无二的乐队。十多年来,他们用自己 特别的声音令一批批观众为之兴奋和疯狂。他们拥有最高水准的词曲创作标 准连同携手非凡嗓音的国宝级歌手珍妮·肖布以及对凯尔特民间音乐深深的 热爱,这一切为他们赢得了评论界乃至全球一致的良好声望。

迄今为止,“伊甸园的西方”乐队共出版了八张专辑,并得到了多方面 的盛赞。乐队被“摇滚的卷轴”(Rock ‘n’ Reel)杂志称为“简单的非凡”、 被 UNT 评价为“这个时代的大师”、被爱尔兰音乐杂志(Irish Music Magazine) 评价为“最好的当代民谣乐队”。

多年以来,“伊甸园的西方”在爱尔兰、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、斯堪 的纳维亚成功的巡演。乐队还在格兰格斯、苏格兰参加凯尔特音乐节。他们 曾经与瑞典国家交响乐团的音乐家一起表演多媒体音乐会。在每年他们自办 的圣诞节音乐会上,他们与全世界的著名歌手和乐队通力合作演出,其中包 括酋长乐队(The Chieftains)、沃尔弗斯通乐队(Wolfstone)、艾伦·凯利·帮 乐队(Alan Kelly Gang)、安努娜合唱团(Anúna)等。

2014 年,“伊甸园的西方”乐队出版了他们的第八张专辑“来自蜿蜒河 流的歌”。这是一张与之前出版的专辑相比更多使用原声录制和亲密的歌曲 制作。专辑最大的亮点是邀请到了来自联合车站乐队(Union Station)的约 克郡夫妇(Kate Rusby)和让·布洛克(Ron Block)。还有来自马克·诺弗 勒乐队(Mark Knopfler’s band)的麦克·麦戈德里克(Michael McGoldrick)。 这张唱片由制作人达米安·奥凯恩录制于约克郡。

到现场感受“伊甸园的西方”的音乐会,你会惊讶这个乐队是怎样用亲 密的、原声演唱的方式“娓娓道来”传统小调和朗朗上口的激情摇滚民谣, 这也是他们用最简单的方法让观众从第一刻开始便爱上他们的演唱。这的确 是一个不可思议的现场乐队!

West of Eden is a Swedish band that for over a decade has thrilled audiences with their unique sound. The highest of songwriting standards combined with the extraordinary voice of singer Jenny Schaub and a deep love for the traditional Celtic folk music has earned them a solid reputation amongst critics around the globe.  With eight highly praised albums under their belt, the band has now got used to being called “Simply phenomenal” (Rock ‘n’ Reel). “Masters of their genre” (UNT) and “the best of contemporary folk” (Irish Music Magazine)! Over the years West of Eden has toured Ireland, Benelux and Scandinavia, played at the Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow, Scotland, performed a multi-media concert together with members of the Swedish National Orchestra and for several years hosted their annual Celtic Christmas-concerts where they have collaborated with musicians from The Chieftains, Wolfstone, Alan Kelly Gang, Anúna and more. In 2014 West of Eden released their eight album “Songs from Twisting River”; a more acoustic and intimate set of songs compared to their earlier albums. The album features such prominent guests as Kate Rusby, Ron Block (Union Station) and Michael McGoldrick (Mark Knopfler’s band) and was produced by Damien O’Kane in Pure Studies, Yorkshire.  Going to a West of Eden concert, you are sure to be amazed at how the band with ease throw them selves between intimate acoustic storytelling, traditional tunes and catchy uplifting folkrock. A truly fantastic live band! Swedish by birth they may be, but in heart and soul they are definitely Celtic!




珍妮是哥德堡大学 的艺术美学博士。她在 爱尔兰的利默里克学习 凯尔特传统音乐,因为 她歌喉优美,被全世界 的评论界大为赞扬。

“伊甸园的西方” 乐队演唱的大部分作品 的歌词均由珍妮创作。 她还为其他的瑞典艺术家创作歌曲。

Jenny Schaub

Lead Vocals, Accordion, Tin Whistle

Songwriter and founder of the band. Jenny writes most of the song lyrics for West of Eden and has also written songs for other Swedish artists. She has studied Celtic traditional music in Limerick, Ireland and has been praised by critics all over the world for her lovely voice. She has a master of fine arts from the university in Gothenburg.



马丁·肖布是一位瑞典著名的音乐家与交响音 乐编曲作家与他合作过的国际级艺术家包括:羊毛 衫合唱团的妮娜·佩尔松 Nina Persson(The Cardigans)、阿巴乐队的贝尼·安德森 Benny Andersson(ABBA)。他为电影《我们的生活》谱 写的电影配乐还荣获美国格莱美音乐奖提名。

Martin Schaub

Lead Vocals & Acoustic Guitars

Songwriter and founder of the band. Martin Schaub is well known musician and orchestral arranger in Sweden, and has collaborated with international artists such as; Nina Persson (The Cardigans) Benny Andersson (ABBA) and American Grammy nominees The Soundtrack Of Our Lives He has a master of fine arts from the university in Gothenburg.



拉尔斯的音乐天赋 来源于传统的瑞典音 乐,并且经过了严格的 古典音乐训练。

至今为止,他作为 “伊甸园的西方”乐队 的小提琴手已经有八 年。除此之外他还频繁 的出现在最受欢迎的 室内乐音乐会与弦乐 四重奏等演出组合之 中。拉尔斯是哥德堡大


Lars Broman


Lars has his roots in the traditional Swedish music, but is classically trained. He has been West of Eden’s fiddle player for the last eight years,but is also frequently in demand for chamber concerts, string quartets etc. He has a master of fine arts from the university in Gothenburg.



亨宁是最新加入“伊甸园的西方”乐队的音乐 家。他之前与瑞典著名的民谣歌手索菲亚·卡尔森 (Sofia Karlsson)一起演出。,他是瑞典吉他界一颗冉冉升起的新星。

Henning Sernhede

Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Mandolin

Henning is the newest addition to the band, and has previously played with famous Swedish Folk singer Sofia Karlsson. He is an upcoming star on the Swedish guitar scene.



欧拉在“伊甸园的西方”乐队成立伊始就担任 鼓手,他一直是乐队最重要的声部。欧拉以作曲家 的才华创作了“伊甸园的西方”圣诞节专辑“下雪 了”,欧拉是哥德堡大学的艺术美学博士。

Ola Karlevo

Drums, Bodhrán

Ola has been in the band from the start, and his playing has always been and important part of West of Eden’s sound.  Ola is the composer of West of Eden’s Christmas hit  “And then snow fell” He has a master of fine arts from the university in Gothenburg.



马丁在“伊甸园的西方”乐队至今已有四年。 他是一位老练并具有探索精神的贝司手。除此之 外他还在凯尔特音乐以及爵士音乐、世界音乐演 奏方面颇有建树。

最近,他还与著名乌得琴演奏家阿哈迈德·哈 迪布一起演奏音乐。欧拉是瑞典大学的艺术美学 博士,还在冰岛的雷克雅未克进修。

Martin Holmlund

Contrabass & Electric Bass

Martin has been in the band for four years. He is an experienced, and sought after bass player, who besides the Celtic music also has his heart in jazz and world music. Recently he has played together with famous oud player Ahmad Al Khatib. He has a master of fine arts from the university in Sweden and has also studied in Reykjavik, Iceland
