科学文化交流协会举办《2017年工程数学与物理国际会议(ICEMP 2017)》

2017年4月10日 8:00 至 2017年4月12日 18:00 ,科学文化交流协会在 开普敦·开普敦·举办《2017年工程数学与物理国际会议(ICEMP 2017)》,会议大约有100人参加。


2017年工程数学与物理国际会议(ICEMP 2017)

2017年工程数学与物理国际会议(ICEMP 2017)宣传图

会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)


会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)





Anand Intl. College of Engg,India教授 Praveen Agarwal

Praveen Agarwal

Anand Intl. College of Engg,India


Zayed University, UAE博士Fares Howari

Fares Howari

Zayed University, UAE


Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Rom博士Rodica Luca Tudorache

Rodica Luca Tudorache

Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Rom


Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia博士Lazim Abdullah

Lazim Abdullah

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia


University of the Witwatersrand,South Africa博士Abdul Kara

Abdul Kara

University of the Witwatersrand,South Africa



Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received. Payment must be made in USD. The conference organizer will not accept any service charges associated with the bank transfer.

As a conference focusing on academic exchange, we are more than pleased to see more and more students, researchers and scholars getting together, sharing their great ideas; hence we decide to reduce the registration fee price, details see below:

*If your paper will be published in IJAPM, then there will not be any additional charges unless it exceeds 15 pages. 
*Each paid registration covers only one paper; you can pay Extra Paper Charges for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration. 
*Author registration fee includes conference materials, lunch and dinner on April 11, conference bag, morning and afternoon teas, attending all technical sessions and conference proceeding.
*Registration fee for each accompanying person / listener is 250 U.S. Dollars. 
*Delegates should bear the Service Charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side. 
*Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refund if you cannot participate in the conference.

1. Credit Card with VISA or MasterCard. 
2. Pay by Bank Transfer

* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form.
