2015年3月27日 8:00 至 2015年3月29日 18:00 ,ASSE美国科学与工程协会在 上海举办《2015第二届环境与农业发展国际学术会议》。
会议内容 |
环境类 |
环境物理;环保动态与信息;环境及生态的可持续发展;绿色产业;清洁生产技术与工艺; |
环境化学;环境与健康;环境标准;环境管理;环境经济;噪声控制;固体废物处理和利用; |
环境地学;大气污染防治工程;环境污染治理技术与工艺;环境修复技术与原理;环境生态; |
生态毒理;土壤环境;水环境;大气环境;环境监测与分析;水污染防治工程…… |
农业类 |
农林基础;农产品加工工程;农业装备与机械化;农业功能拓展与新兴产业发展; |
作物学及林木育种;低碳农业与生态环境保护;农业科技政策制度与机制创新;农林植物保护学; |
生物学;粮食安全与食品安全管理;农产品流通与管理;先进技术对农业发展的贡献; |
植物营养学;气候变化和农业发展的关系、影响及应对措施;农业资源利用技术的实施和政策制定; |
现代资源利用方式和农业发展方式模式的互调; |
有关于研究气候变化、农业资源循环、技术进步和农业管理…… |
组织机构 主办单位:ASSE美国科学与工程协会
介绍:Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is the world’s oldest professional safety society. ASSE promotes the expertise, leadership and commitment of its members, while providing them with professional development, advocacy and standards development. It also sets the occupational safety, health and environmental community’s standards for excellence and ethics.ASSE is a global association of occupational safety professionals representing more than 36,000 members worldwide. The Society is also a visible advocate for OSH professionals through proactive government affairs at the federal and state levels, and in member-led relationships with key federal safety and health agencies.ASSE members have direct access to over 36,000 OSH professionals through our 150 chapters, 8 regions, 40 sections and 70 student sections around the world. Members are also able to participate in ASSE’s 19 practice specialties, 6 branches and 4 common interest groups. Networking enables ASSE members to share their knowledge and exchange best practices with other industry experts.
参会费用: 1900元/人 注意事项:参会费用包含午餐、会议袋/会议礼品包 、茶歇、晚餐。