Chain Media举办《Entrepreneurs Breakfast & Slack: The

2015年12月9日 8:00 至 18:00 ,Chain Media在 上海举办《Entrepreneurs Breakfast & Slack: The Future of Team Collaboration》。


Getting a group of people working on a project to communicate with each other is easy; you just give ‘em all email and stand back … and what you’ll see is chaos. The explosion of messages will be immediate and the struggle to keep threads of discussion on track and in context means that decisions get obscured and missed, responsibilities become unclear, direction wanders, and documents get lost. The conclusion: communication is easy, collaboration is hard. 

There is an answer and it’s surprisingly elegant, easy to adopt, and effective. It’s called Slack. 

If you don’t know Slack, it’s a chat room for communities that has really exploded in the startup/tech world: companies use it to communicate, and some community-building organizations, like Entrepnr, are beginning to use the platform to bring entrepreneurs and startup founders together in Asia.

Hear from Alessandro Duina, Co-Founder and CEO and Max Henry on why Slack is a fantastic platform to use for small teams but also between entrepreneurs. In this special event, we will share our experience and discuss the following topics: 

- Brief history of Slack - from failure to becoming one of the fastest growing companies on the web  
- What is it, how to use it, key features 
- Case study: how we use it at Prodygia 
- Case study: how we use it at Entrepnr  
- Q&A 

The presentation will be followed by an informal discussion where you will have the opportunity to present your business, talk about your current challenges, and other people attending will ask questions, challenge your model, provide honest feedback and give you suggestions on how to solve your problems.

会议名称:Entrepreneurs Breakfast & Slack: The Future of Team Collaboration



Chain Media

介绍:Chain Media是B2B行业媒体,服务于供应链,物流和采购行业以及集团企业家在亚洲的所有部门。Chain Media在亚洲通过出版物,活动和资源提供行业讯息。






Price: $16.00 /per person

