中国光学工程学会举办《International Symposium on Optoelectron

2016年5月9日 9:00 至 2016年5月11日 17:00 ,中国光学工程学会在 北京·国家会议中心·朝阳区天辰东路7号(奥林匹克公园内)举办《International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application》。


The International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application(OTA 2016) will be held in Beijing, China, 9-11 May, 2016. The OTA will serve as good platforms for the members of photoelectronic technology community to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

The International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application(OTA 2016)is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields ofPhotoelectronics. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. High power lasers and high energy lasers

Solid-state, Fiber Lasers

Semiconductor Lasers

Terahertz Sources and Applications

Applications of Nonlinear Optics

Optical Materials, Fabrication and Characterisation

Ultrafast Optical Technologies

High-field Laser Physics and Attosecond Technologies

Fiber and Guided Wave Lasers and Amplifiers


2. Laser manufacturing and laser detection technology

Laser cutting, drilling and machining technology

Laser welding and joining technology

Laser additive manufacturing

Laser micro/nano Fabrication

Laser surface engineering

Lasers, systems and components

Modelling and simulation

Laser interference length measurement

Laser ranging, laser vibrometer, laser velocimetry

Laser speckle measurement, laser alignment

Laser holography


3. 3D printing technology

3D Printing Biomedical

3D Print of Cultural and Creative

3D Printing Material

3D Printing and Industry 4.0

3D Printing and Industrial Design


4. Advanced optical design and manufacturing technologies

Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering

Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization

Zoom Lenses

Laser Beam Shaping

Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification

Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration

Advanced optical manufacturing technologies

Aspheric optics design, manufacturing and testing

Ultra-precision freeform surfaces design, manufacturing and Testing

Super-precision optical manufacturing

Optical thin film coatings

Diamond turning technology

Optical design and simulation software and tool

Optoelectronics components and modules integration and manufacturing

Opto-mechanical components and devices


5. Optical Measurement Technology and Instrument

Testing and alignment of optical surfaces and systems

Test for super- precision optical surface

Test for freeform optics

Measurement for super smooth surface

Measurement of optical thin film

Test of infrared technologies

Optical test and measurement for Micro and Nano scale technology

Laser radar

Modern Optoelectronic Instruments

Detectors Focal Plane Instrumentation

IR/ X-ray /UV measurement technology and Instrument

Measurement Uncertainty and Machine Tool Testing

Measurement of Radiometry and photometry

Measurement of 3D Imaging and Display


6. Robot Sensing and Advanced Control

Machine vision and Image processing

Opto-electronic Imaging

Optical communication and optical signal processing

Optical sensor and applications

Environment recognition, Localization and navigation for unmanned vehicle systems

Opto-mechanical components and devices

Opto-electronic tactile sensing and force sensor

Binocular vision and 3D reconstruction

Visual naviagation and path planning

Eyes-in-hand robot system

Vision-based robot precise assembly

Vision-based tele-robot system

Multi-sensor information fusion for robot


7. Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation

Space Telescopes and Instrumentation: Ultraviolet, Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave

Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes and Instrumentation

Optical and IR Interferometry and Imaging

Adaptive Optics Systems

Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation

High-Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors in Astronomy


8. Optical Data Storage

Holographic recording

Multi-dimensional recording

Near field recording

Super resolution

Hybrid recording

Optical recording materials

Basic theory and modeling

Testing and characterization



Coding and signal processing

Drive technologies

Systems and applications

Future emerging technologies





Hybrid materials and devices


9. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Applications

Airborne & Satellite Hyperspectral Applications (agriculture, forestry, environment, geology, survey, ocean, etc)

UAV-born Hyperspectral Sensors

Space-born Optical Sensor Technologies

Space Physics, Meteorology and Atmospheric Research

Space Objects Characterization

Hyperspectral Imaging Systems and Technologies

Hyperspectral Data Preprocessing and Analysis

On-board Hyperspectral Data Storage and Real-time Data Transmission

Micro-satellite Technologies, etc


10. silicon-based photonic integration

Luminescent materials and devices

Optical transmission and control in micro / nano scale

Photonic devices

Fabrication and device of heterogeneous structure materials

Optoelectronic integration

Other novel silicon-based technologies


11. Infrared technology and application

Infrared detector materials and devices

Infrared cameras and systems

Infrared detectors and imaging applications

Semiconductor materials for infrared and mid-IR lasers

Novel infrared semiconductor lasers and related applications

Novel infrared materials for photovoltaics

Information acquisition & signal processing technologies

Testing and simulation technologies

Environment characteristics of target and atmospheric transmission

Applications in remote sensing, navigation, communication, environmental protection, public security, medicine and industrial inspection


12. Environmental Monitoring and Safety Testing Technology

The general spectrum (color spectrum and mass spectrum testing) analysis method

Air, water, soil pollution and poisonous and harmful substance monitoring technology

Emergency monitoring and telemetry of pollution incidents

Food and drug safety testing technology

Safety testing technology in industrial production process

Public security detecting technology

Newtheory, technology and equipment of environmental safety monitoring /testing


13. Optical Fiber Sensors Technology and Applications

Optic fiber gyro

Novel fiber optic sensing mechanisms

Fiber Optic Sensor System Technologies

Fiber optic sensor applications


14. Opticalcommunication and optical network

Broadband fiber access network technology and application of 100G / 400G / 1T high-speed optical transmission systems

Large-capacity optical switching technology and applications

Flexible intelligent optical networking technology and applications

All-optical gateway key technology

Software-defined optical network with optical layer resource virtualization

OTN and PTN and integration

Data center and application of optical interconnect architecture

Optical network operation and management

Optical communication and industrialization of key components

Fiber optic communications and wireless networking and application integration

Space optical communication and networking and application

Advances in optical communications standard

Optical Communication edge technology


介绍:中国光学工程学会,英文名称是Chinese Society for Optical Engineering,缩写CSOE。学会秉承“创新、协同、求真、务实”的精神,将通过学术交流、成果展示、成果转化等多种形式,搭建一个产学研大平台,推动光学工程的技术创新、注重光学科技的成果转化、面向应用促进光学前沿的工程化。








介绍:国家会议中心位于鸟巢和水立方之北,是一座八层楼、近400米的长形建筑。2008年奥运会期间,由击剑馆、国际广播中心组成,主新闻中心(MPC)是文字记者和摄影记者进驻的工作区,共有1000多个记者工作席位及硬件配套设施。国际广播中心建筑面积14万平方米,是奥运会历史上最大的国际广播中心,来自全世界16000名广播记者都在此工作。奥运之后,国家会议中心经过一年多的改造投入经营,至今已走过五年历程 ,创造了无数辉煌,这座曾经的奥运场馆正以骄人的成绩,成为中国乃至亚洲快速成长的会展业第一品牌 。大量具有国际影响力的会议 、展览项目陆续在国家会议中心成功举办,让这个中国会议业的旗舰场馆向世界展示了其多平台、复合型、高质量的强大综合实力,创造出了良好的经济效益和社会效益。2014年11月5日—10日,来自21个经济体以及这 21个经济体以外的17个国家和地区的领导人、高级官员和工商界人士相继出席APEC会议周。国家会议中心作为本次APEC会议的“主力场馆”承担着为期7天的领导人会议周中6天的接待任务,为210场规模不等的会议和活动、165场餐饮和约9.1万人次提供了专业、细致、高效的会议服务。国家会议中心再次成为世界瞩目的焦点。国家会议中心借此成为一个重大外事国务活动的接待场所,也变成了世界级的会展品牌。附近酒店:北京北辰洲际酒店、凯迪克·北京格兰云天大酒店、西藏大厦交通:特13路新闻中心站下车 ,步行380米。
