Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)举办《2016年

2016年5月29日 8:00 至 2016年5月31日 18:00 ,Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)在 南京·南京中山大厦·江苏省南京市玄武区中山路200号举办《2016年农业经济学国际研讨会 (AEC 2016)》。


2016年农业经济学国际研讨会 (The 2nd Agricultural Economics Conference (AEC 2016)



2016年数量经济学学术研讨会(QEC 2016)

2016年农业经济学国际研讨会 (AEC 2016)

2016年地产与城市经济学国际研讨会(REUE 2016)

2016年网络和数字经济学国际研讨会(IDEC 2016)

2016年卫生经济学国际研讨会(HEC 2016)

2016年工业和技术经济学国际研讨会(ITEC 2016)

2016年商业经济学国际研讨会(BEC 2016)

2016年资源与环境经济学国际研讨会 (EREC 2016)


The 2nd Agricultural Economics Conference (AEC 2016) will be held from May 29 to 31, 2016 in Nanjing, China. This Conference will cover issues on Agricultural Economics. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods. 
AEC 2016 will be co-located with the following conferences:
The 6th Quantitative Economics Conference (QEC 2016)
The 2nd Int'l Conference on Real Estate and Urban Economics (REUE 2016)
The 2nd Internet and Digital Economics Conference (IDEC 2016)
The 2nd Health Economics Conference (HEC 2016)
2016 Environmental and Resource Economics Conference (EREC 2016)
2016 Industrial and Technological Economics Conference (ITEC 2016)
2016 Business Economics Conference (BEC 2016)
AEC 2016 is devoted to the advancement of Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Economics (Agronomics) is an applied field of economics concerned with the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber. Agricultural economics influences food policy, agricultural policy, and environmental policy. The scope of AEC 2016 covers both theoretical and practical areas of Agricultural Economics; Topical fields of interest include, but are not limited to the following: food and consumer economics, production economics, farm management, agricultural environment and natural resources.
AEC 2016 will be a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of Agricultural Economics. The Conference will bring together academicians, economists, mathematicians, and policy-makers from all over the world, and we hope that you will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Nanjing.
We look forward to seeing you in Nanjing in May 2016.


The 2nd Agricultural Economics Conference (AEC 2016) will be held from May 29-31, 2016 in Nanjing, China. You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:
  New Agricultural Management Participants 
  Agricultural Labor and Agricultural Development 
  Agri-Environmental Schemes and Rural/Community Development 
  Crop Diversity and Biodiversity Conservation 
  Natural Resource Economics 
  Agricultural Policy 
  Transformation of Agrarian Structure 
  Migration, Gender and Farming Systems 
  Land Values, Use and Management 
  Farm Size, Management and Productivity 
  Development and Adoption of Agricultural Innovations 
  Agribusiness Economics and Management 
  Supply Chain Issues 
  Agricultural Trade 
  Agricultural Markets and Competition 
  Storage and Post-Harvest Decision Making 
  Price Volatility and Price Spikes 
  Price Transmission 
  The Rural Financial System 
  Climate and Environmental Policy 
  Climate Change and Impacts 
  Risk Management and Crop Insurance 
  Food Choice, Safety and Nutrition 
  Agricultural Product Security Strategy 
  Rural Poverty 
  Urban-Rural Gap and Income Distribution 
  Integration of Urban and Rural Areas 
  Ecological Agriculture/ Sustainable Agriculture

Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)


会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)

  May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1
8:30-10:00   Invited Speech Session Technical Session One-day Tour 
(at own expense)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Invited Speech Session Technical Session
14:00-16:00 Registration Invited Speech Session Technical Session
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:20-18:00 Invited Speech Session Technical Session







全文发表及参会    3600元
投递摘要并做报告   2700元
仅参会    2400元
一日游    360元


1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(5月30日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(5月30号)
4. 会议资料袋
5. 会议期间茶歇
