SZ&W Group举办《2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017》

2017年7月4日 9:00 至 18:00 ,SZ&W Group在 其它城市举办《2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017》,会议大约有250人参加。


2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017

2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017宣传图


Conference Highlight

2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017


SZ&W Group

泽为集团成立于2008年,是商业资讯服务商及活动主办方。公司总部设在中国上海和美国洛杉矶。 泽为集团旗下有“泽为研究中心”“泽为会议策划”“泽为行业社区”等知名市场研究及商业活动策划品牌. 立足中国及亚洲市场,公司业务遍及中东,欧洲,非洲,南美洲的新兴经济体。

会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)

July 4, 2017   9:00am—12:30am

MEA Dairy Market’s Economics and Policies Overview: Challenges and Opportunities

MEA Dairy Industry on the Ground Investment and Upgrading

July 4, 2017   14:00pm—18:00pm

Innovative Dairy Farming Technologies to Increase Milk Production

Trend and Innovation of Dairy Products

July 5, 2017    9:00am—12:30pm

Trend and Innovation of Dairy Products

July 5, 2017    14:00pm—18:00pm

Roadmap to a Safer and High Quality Dairy Product Supply

Consumer Perspectives and Market Trends Analysis

会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)

2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017

2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017

2nd Global Dairy Congress MEA 2017


normal PASS :14595

  • Two day pass

  • 2 luxury luncheons

  • 4 coffee breaks

  • Electronic copy for all presentations
