2018年12月1日 8:00 至 2018年12月3日 18:00 ,Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)在 三亚·三亚亚太国际会议中心·三亚湾三亚湾旅游度假区17横路举办《2018年第二届动物医学学术研讨会(CVM 2018)》。
2018年第二届动物医学学术研讨会(CVM 2018)宣传图
2018年第二届动物医学学术研讨会(CVM 2018) 将于2018年12月1-3日在三亚举行。本届大会将继续遵循学术性、国际性的原则,特邀国内外动物医学领域内的学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。本次大会旨在为行业内专家和学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦相关领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。
Animal Welfare in international trade
Veterinary Immunology
Veterinary Oncology
Dairy Farming
Veterinary Pharmacology
Veterinary Medicine
Regulatory aspects of Animal Science
Veterinary Pathology
Animals and Society
Animal Health Industry
Veterinary Parasitology
Animal Ecology
Hospital Design and Management
Veterinary public health and Zoonoses
Livestock Production
Veterinary Gastroenterology
Veterinary Virology
Animal Agriculture
Veterinary Endocrinology
Veterinary Epidemiology
Veterinary Cardiology
Veterinary Toxicology
Biology of Domestic Animals
Veterinary Respiratory Medicine
Veterinary Genetics
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Veterinary Critical care and emergency medicine
Veterinary Ophthalmology
Animal nutrition
Veterinary Radiology and Diagnostic imaging
Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology
Animal Genetics and Breeding
Veterinary Nephrology
Veterinary Entomology
Animal Reproduction
Veterinary Orthopedics
Veterinary Hematology
Applications of Animal Biotechnology
Veterinary Pain management
Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology
Cloned and transgenic animals and their regulatio
Zoological Medicine
Veterinary Acupuncture
Animal Growth and Development
One Health
Veterinary Internal Medicine
Animal Products and Food Safety
Responsible Use of Animal Medicines
Veterinary Dermatopathology
Animal Health, Welfare and the Environment
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Veterinary Urinalysis
Applied Animal Welfare science
Nanotechnology in Veterinary
Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease
Animal Behavior
Veterinary Biologics
Veterinary Dentistry
Animal Testing
Veterinary Research
Veterinary Physiology
Animal Diseases
Animal Biotechnology
Veterinary Drugs
Large Animal diseases
Livestock Production & Management
Veterinary Pharmacovigilance
Small and Companion animal Diseases
Poultry Production
Veterinary Vaccines
Problems of Animal Health in Tropics
Dairy Technology
Veterinary Business and Enterprise
Vector-borne animal diseases
Animal Welfare
Veterinary Practice Management
Soil-borne animal diseases
Veterinary Care & Management
Veterinary Surgeons
Contact animal diseases
Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary Anesthesia
Animal Health Management
Wildlife Management
Veterinary and Animal Ethics
Animal Health and Veterinary Science
Animal Ethology
Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)
Package A: | 仅参会(无报告) | USD 400 (RMB 2400) |
Package B: | 参会 + 摘要报告 | USD 450 (RMB 2700) |
Package C: | 参会 + 全文发表 + 报告 | USD 600 (RMB 3600) |
1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(12月2,3日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(12月2日晚)
4. 会议期间茶歇
5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本
三亚亚太国际会议中心是海航集团下属的一家五星级豪华滨海度假及会议酒店,拥有客房473间/套,房间风格典雅、豪华舒适、设计精美,均配有观景阳台,全国首创的海水泳池、三个大型户外淡水泳池等各种娱乐设施和户外活动一应俱全,酒店三层欧式建筑的亚太国际会议中心总面积为3000多平方米,是一座多功能的建筑综合体,室内设计风格时尚、典雅,有16个可以容纳20人—100人的多功能厅,各具风格,环境宁静舒适,并配有目前最为先进的会议设施和保障系统,会议室采用世界著名的PHILIPS DCN全数字化会议系统,六声道同声翻译,红外无线接受耳机,配合全方位的PHILIPS视频系统,提供全面周到的会议记录设备,有模拟、数字多模式、多介质的编辑和保存功能,我们将随时为您提供高效专业的会议接待和周到殷情的服务。