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FNTA (癌症关联基因)
FNTA(farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, alph
FOLR3 (癌症关联基因)
FOLR3(folate receptor gamma),癌症关联基因,基因ID
FMR1 (癌症关联基因)
FMR1(FMRP translational regulator 1),癌症关
FOXO4 (癌症关联基因)
FOXO4(forkhead box O4),癌症关联基因,基因ID:4303,
FOXQ1 (癌症关联基因)
FOXQ1(forkhead box Q1),癌症关联基因,基因ID:94234
FPGS (癌症关联基因)
FPGS(folylpolyglutamate synthase),癌症关联基因
FRAS1 (癌症关联基因)
FRAS1(Fraser extracellular matrix comple
FRYL (癌症关联基因)
FRYL(FRY like transcription coactivator)
FSCB (癌症关联基因)
FSCB(fibrous sheath CABYR binding protei
FRG1 (癌症关联基因)
FRG1(FSHD region gene 1),癌症关联基因,基因ID:248
FRMPD4 (癌症关联基因)
FRMPD4(FERM and PDZ domain containing 4)
FZD10 (癌症关联基因)
FZD10(frizzled class receptor 10),癌症关联基因
FZR1 (癌症关联基因)
FZR1(fizzy and cell division cycle 20 re
G6PC3 (癌症关联基因)
G6PC3(glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic su
G3BP2 (癌症关联基因)
G3BP2(G3BP stress granule assembly facto
G3BP1 (癌症关联基因)
G3BP1(G3BP stress granule assembly facto
GAB2 (癌症关联基因)
GAB2(GRB2 associated binding protein 2),
GABRA2 (癌症关联基因)
GABRA2(gamma-aminobutyric acid type A re
G6PC (癌症关联基因)
G6PC(glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic sub
GALNT11 (癌症关联基因)
GALNT11(polypeptide N-acetylgalactosamin
GAPDH (癌症关联基因)
GAPDH(glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro
GAST (癌症关联基因)
GFRAL (癌症关联基因)
GFRAL(GDNF family receptor alpha like),癌
GIGYF1 (癌症关联基因)
GIGYF1(GRB10 interacting GYF protein 1),
GKN2 (癌症关联基因)
GKN2(gastrokine 2),癌症关联基因,基因ID:200504,由该
GJB2 (癌症关联基因)
GJB2(gap junction protein beta 2),癌症关联基因
GLB1L3 (癌症关联基因)
GLB1L3(galactosidase beta 1 like 3),癌症关联
GDF15 (癌症关联基因)
GDF15(growth differentiation factor 15),
GDF1 (癌症关联基因)
GDF1(growth differentiation factor 1),癌症
GNA12 (癌症关联基因)
GNA12(G protein subunit alpha 12),癌症关联基因
GMEB1 (癌症关联基因)
GMEB1(glucocorticoid modulatory element
GMPS (癌症关联基因)
GMPS(guanine monophosphate synthase),癌症关
GNRHR (癌症关联基因)
GNRHR(gonadotropin releasing hormone rec
GPR101 (癌症关联基因)
GPR101(G protein-coupled receptor 101),癌
GPR158 (癌症关联基因)
GPR158(G protein-coupled receptor 158),癌
GPM6A (癌症关联基因)
GPM6A(glycoprotein M6A),癌症关联基因,基因ID:2823
GPX1 (癌症关联基因)
GPX1(glutathione peroxidase 1),癌症关联基因,基因
GRB2 (癌症关联基因)
GRB2(growth factor receptor bound protei
GPAT3 (癌症关联基因)
GPAT3(glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransfera
GRB7 (癌症关联基因)
GRB7(growth factor receptor bound protei