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化痰消瘿 (中医药学)
化痰消瘿(dissipating phlegm for eliminating
脉应四时 (中医药学)
脉应四时(congruence of pulse with four seaso
祛痰化浊 (中医药学)
祛痰化浊(expelling phlegm and resolving turb
伤寒劳复 (中医药学)
伤寒劳复(recurrent exogenous cold disease ca
湿性趋下 (中医药学)
湿性趋下(characteristic of dampness being de
太阴伤寒 (中医药学)
太阴伤寒(Taiyin disease with cold damage),中医
外科正宗 (中医药学)
外科正宗(Waike Zhengzong,Orthodox Manual of
五色主病 (中医药学)
五色主病(diagnostic significance of five col
息风解痉 (中医药学)
息风解痉(relieving spasm by calming endogeno
阳病入阴 (中医药学)
阳病入阴(yang disease involving yin),中医药学名词,
养血安神 (中医药学)
养血安神(nourishing blood for tranquillizati
滋肝明目 (中医药学)
滋肝明目(nourishing liver for improving eyes
膝高低征 (中医药学名词)
膝高低征(Allis’ sign)是2013年公布的中医药学名词。仰卧,双髋、双
补脾益肺 (中医药学)
补脾益肺(invigorating spleen for benefiting
刺络拔罐 (中医药学)
刺络拔罐(pricking and cupping,pricking blood
大肠虚寒 (中医药学)
大肠虚寒(deficient cold of large intestine),
胆经郁热 (中医药学)
胆经郁热(stagnated heat of gallbladder chann
服药食忌 (中医药学)
服药食忌(food taboo in drug application),中医药
攻下逐瘀 (中医药学)
攻下逐瘀(eliminating blood stasis by cathars
寒易伤阳 (中医药学)
寒易伤阳(cold pathogen being apt to attack y
踝部骨折 (中医药学)
踝部骨折(fracture of malleolus),中医药学名词,以局部肿胀
凉血明目 (中医药学)
凉血明目(cooling blood for improving eyesigh
滋肺润肠 (中医药学)
滋肺润肠(nourishing lung and clearing intest
炖[制] (中医药学)
额旁2线 (中医药学)
额旁2线(épángxiàn Ⅱ,MS3,lateral line 2 of f
补血养心 (中医药学)
补血养心(replenishing blood for nourishing h
清热消肿 (中医药学)
清热消肿(clearing heat for detumescence),中医药
水土不服 (中医药学)
四时调摄 (中医药学)
四时调摄(health maintenance in four seasons)
太阴病证 (中医药学)
太阴病证(Taiyin disease),中医药学名词,外感风寒,脾阳虚衰,寒湿
小儿脱证 (中医药学)
小儿脱证(infantile collapse),中医药学名词,发生于小儿的以神
心肺气虚 (中医药学)
心肺气虚(qi deficiency of heart and lung),中医
心肝血虚 (中医药学)
心肝血虚(blood deficiency of heart and liver
血分瘀热 (中医药学)
血分瘀热(stagnated heat in xuefen),中医药学名词,邪热
养血明目 (中医药学)
养血明目(nourishing blood for improving eyes
迎风冷泪 (中医药学)
迎风冷泪(cold tear induced by wind,epiphora
滋阴安神 (中医药学)
滋阴安神(nourishing yin for tranquillization
额旁1线 (中医药学)
额旁1线(épángxiàn Ⅰ,MS2,lateral line 1 of f
炖[制] (中医药学名词)
血虚作痒 (中医药学名词)
血虚作痒(itching due to blood deficiency)是20