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易寒易热 (中医药学)
易寒易热(vulnerable to manifestation of heat
子发作期 (中医药学)
子发作期(attacking stage of eclampsia),中医药学名
珠突出眶 (中医药学名词)
珠突出眶(eyeball protrusion related to head
旋转屈伸 (中医药学名词)
旋转屈伸(rotation and flexion-extension)是201
暖宫散寒 (中医药学)
暖宫散寒(warming uterus for dispelling cold,
祛邪扶正 (中医药学)
祛邪扶正(eliminating pathogen and strengthen
下损及上 (中医药学)
下损及上(deficiency transmitted from lower b
泻肺逐饮 (中医药学)
泻肺逐饮(eliminating pathogens from lung for
辛温解表 (中医药学)
辛温解表(relieving superficies syndrome with
小儿瘀血 (中医药学)
小儿瘀血(static blood epilepsy),中医药学名词,以曾有外伤
叩触试验 (中医药学术语)
叩触试验(percussion test)是2013年公布的中医药学名词,出自《
房劳尿血 (中医药学)
房劳尿血(hematuria due to sexual intemperanc
生肌定痛 (中医药学)
生肌定痛(promoting granulation and relieving
白喉禁忌 (中医药学名词)
白喉禁忌(contraindications of diphtheria)是20
望喉外部 (中医药学名词)
望喉外部(inspection of external larynx)是2013
补肾调经 (中医药学)
补肾调经(invigorating kidney for regulating
发蛀脱发 (中医药学)
发蛀脱发(insect bitten alopecia,androgenetic
活血调经 (中医药学)
活血调经(promoting blood circulation for reg
活血去腐 (中医药学)
活血去腐(promoting blood circulation and eli
续筋接骨 (中医药学)
续筋接骨(reunion of fractured tendons and bo
燥湿敛疮 (中医药学)
燥湿敛疮(eliminating dampness and astringing
舒筋止痛 (中医药学名词)
舒筋止痛(relieving rigidity of muscle and re
多经取穴 (中医药学)
多经取穴(point selection form multiple chann
肺主肃降 (中医药学)
肺主肃降(lung governing purification and des
黄帝内经 (中医药学)
黄帝内经(Huangdi Neijing,Inner Canon of Huan
解毒息风 (中医药学)
解毒息风(removing toxicity substance and cal
药栓疗法 (中医药学)
药栓疗法(medicinal suppository therapy),中医药学
固冲止带 (中医药学)
固冲止带(consolidating Chong Vessel for stop
制炭存性 (中医药学)
制炭存性(burn as charcoal with function pres
解肌清热 (中医药学)
解肌清热(expelling pathogenic factors from m
祛风解痉 (中医药学)
祛风解痉(dispelling pathogenic wind for reso
去腐消肿 (中医药学)
去腐消肿(eliminating necrotic tissues and de
实则阳明 (中医药学)
实则阳明(excessive disease located in Yangmi
心血虚证 (中医药学)
心血虚证(syndrome of deficiency of heart blo
养血生肌 (中医药学)
养血生肌(nourishing blood and promoting gran
养阴生肌 (中医药学)
养阴生肌(nourishing yin and promoting granul
补益精髓 (中医药学)
补益精髓(strengthening and nourishing marrow
床边试验 (中医药学)
床边试验(bedside test),中医药学名词,仰卧位,健侧在床上,患侧垂于
肝阳虚证 (中医药学)
肝阳虚证(syndrome of deficiency of liver yan
生肌收口 (中医药学)
生肌收口(promoting granulation and wound hea