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风性主动 (中医药学)
风性主动(characteristic of wind being mobile
祛风明目 (中医药学)
祛风明目(dispelling pathogenic wind for impr
妊娠消渴 (中医药学)
妊娠消渴(consumptive thirst during pregnancy
柔肝息风 (中医药学)
柔肝息风(softening liver for calming endogen
伤风鼻塞 (中医药学)
伤风鼻塞(nasal obstruction due to mild cold,
暑易扰心 (中医药学)
暑易扰心(summer-heat being likely to disturb
表里辨证 (中医药学)
表里辨证(syndrome differentiation of superfi
补肾摄精 (中医药学)
补肾摄精(invigorating kidney for consolidati
化痰消瘀 (中医药学)
化痰消瘀(dissipating phlegm and eliminating
宣肺降逆 (中医药学)
宣肺降逆(ventilating lung qi for lowering ad
阳虚生寒 (中医药学)
阳虚生寒(cold manifestation due to yang defi
子宫颈癌 (中医药学)
子宫颈癌(cervical cancer),中医药学名词,以白带及月经过多,不规
点眼药法 (中医药学名词)
点眼药法(topical eye medication)是2013年公布的中医药
外踝骨折 (中医药学名词)
外踝骨折(fracture of external malleolus)是201
鼻吹药法 (中医药学名词)
鼻吹药法(method of nasal insufflation)是2013年
化湿和中 (中医药学)
化湿和中(removing dampness for regulating st
祛风燥湿 (中医药学)
祛风燥湿(dispelling pathogenic wind and remo
散寒化饮 (中医药学)
散寒化饮(dispelling cold and resolving fluid
伤寒阴厥 (中医药学)
伤寒阴厥(exogenous cold disease with yin col
水谷之海 (中医药学)
水谷之海(reservoir of food and drink),中医药学名词
物损真睛 (中医药学)
物损真睛(traumatic injury of lens,ocular pen
洗耳疗法 (中医药学)
洗耳疗法(ear-washing therapy),中医药学名词,将具有清热泻火
消渴脉痹 (中医药学)
消渴脉痹(consumptive thirst with syndrome of
中脏中风 (中医药学)
中脏中风(apoplexy involving zang-viscera),中医
滋阴平肝 (中医药学)
滋阴平肝(nourishing yin and tranquillizing l
望鼻咽部 (中医药学名词)
望鼻咽部(inspection of nasopharynx)是2013年公布的
表里同病 (中医药学)
表里同病(simultaneous superficies and interi
胆虚气怯 (中医药学)
胆虚气怯(insufficiency of gallbladder qi cau
滴鼻疗法 (中医药学)
滴鼻疗法(nose-dripping therapy),中医药学名词,用具有芳香
痘疹入眼 (中医药学)
痘疹入眼(smallpox involving eye),中医药学名词,痘疹期间
火易扰心 (中医药学)
火易扰心(fire being likely to disturb heart)
厥阴寒证 (中医药学)
厥阴寒证(Jueyin disease with cold syndrome),
排石颗粒 (中医药学)
排石颗粒(paishi granules,paishi keli),中医药学名词
气营两燔 (中医药学)
气营两燔(flaring heat in qifen and yingfen),
祛湿宣痹 (中医药学)
祛湿宣痹(removing dampness and dredging chan
伤寒阳厥 (中医药学)
伤寒阳厥(exogenous cold disease with yang sy
温病条辨 (中医药学)
温病条辨(Wenbing Tiaobian,Detailed Analysis
虚者补之 (中医药学)
虚者补之(treating deficiency syndrome with t
滋阴柔肝 (中医药学)
滋阴柔肝(nourishing yin for softening liver)
顶旁1线 (中医药学)
顶旁1线(dǐngpángxiàn Ⅰ,MS8,lateral line 1 o