单镜头照相机,《单镜头照相机》是一部英国报道照相机及其他摄影器材的专业性刊物,创刊于1964年。为英国照相机行业的权威性刊物,全面及时地反映英国及世界照相机行业的最新动态与信息.同时报道最新的摄影艺术与技术.该刊为月刊,每期80页左右,铜版纸彩色印刷,部分篇幅为产品广告. The United Kingdom reported that cameras and other photographic equipment, professional publications. Founded in 1964. The authority of the British camera industry publications, the full and timely reflection of the camera industry, the United Kingdom and the world the latest news and information.Alsoreported that the latest photographic art and technology. for