雅凯华蜷,软体动物门-腹足纲-新进腹足目-短沟蜷科。External anatomy. Operculum ovate, corneous, dark amberbrown in colour, with approximately five whorls; paucispi-ral with basal nucleus of approximately four whorls(Fig. 4C). Nucleus comprising roughly one-third of totallength (approximately 32%).Snout, neck, sides of foot and dorsal surfaces of tentaclesdark grey–black in colour; foot sole and female egg grooveunpigmented. Snout (Fig. 4A,D, sn) broad, squarish, taper-ing, with rather long cephalic tentacles (Fig. 4A, t) withlongitudinally grooved dorsal surfaces; tentacles roughlyequal to snout in length (in preserved specimens). Foot broadwith wide propodium and long anterior pedal gland alonganterior margin (Fig. 4D, ap). Ciliated egg groove formingshallow, triangular trough between anterior tip of oviduct(Fig. 4E, go) and ovipositor pore (Fig. 4D, ovp) on side ofneck below right cephalic tentacle; groove narrowing anddeepening towards opening of pore. Ovipositor pore deep,with inverted U-shaped lumen forme