贺氏剑螽,节肢动物门-昆虫纲-直翅目-蛩螽科。A medium-sized species of average build and greenish coloration.Depth of head greater than the breadth by one-third;face slightly broader than deep.Eyes large,subglobular and almost circular inoutline,separated by a breadth about 1 and 1/3rd the vertical diameterof an eye.Fastigium small and narrow,projecting only slightly forwardand with a median dorsal crease not quite extending to the apex andwhich gives the impression that the fastigium was formed by lateral com-pression of two contiguous parts.Foveolae of the antennae separated bya space less than the dorsal breadth of the fastigium.Pronotum long andnarrow,the metazona only a shade broader than the prozona;posteriormargin broadly elliptical.Dorsum of the pronotum rounding smoothlyinto the lateral lobes which are about as broad as deep;their depth aboutthat of the metazonal breadth.Tegmen long and narrow with roundedapex which surpasses the knees of the caudal femora by 6 mms.Apex ofthe wings exceeding the a