网纹沙蜥,脊索动物门-爬行纲-有鳞目-鬣蜥科。鉴定特征 Size: Standard length 45 mm.; tail length 60 mm. Body: The body is depressed, the head is high, crown is almost flat; snout is extremely short; nostrils are close together; eyelids are well developed, with much fringed margin; dorsal crest is missing; gular sac is not present; a transverse gular fold is always present, rostral is almost equal to the other labials; 12-15 upper labials, their free margins denticulated. Dorsal scales are almost equal, homogenous; neck and back of the head are devoid of spine like scales; gular scales are smooth, smaller than the ventrals; ventrals are keeled; nasal shields are separated by 3-5 small scales, upper head scales are unequal, largest scales are available on the snout; mid occipital region is always keeled. Limbs: Claws are very long, toes are short, with keeled lamellae below, the hind-limb reaches to the eye. Tail: Tail is flat, quite longer than the head and body, oval in the transverse section, tapers to a fine