金秀瘰螈,脊索动物门-两栖纲-有尾目-蝾螈科。Diagnosis: Paramesotriton ermizhaoi is assigned to the genus Paramesotriton because of its slender andnearly straight epibranchial bones, maxillary bones oriented angular to the body axis, and laterallycompressed tail. This species can be diagnosed from other congeners by the following combination ofcharacters: skin relatively smooth; granular warts absent on head and body; vertebral ridge not prominent;head depressed and nearly flat in profile; habitus slender and depressed; limbs short!awhen adpressed againsflank, fingers and toes hardly meet; dorsum olive brown with irregular black flecks; ventral orange-red blotches irregular in shape.Description of the holotype: A slender and flat newt, preserved with mouth open. Head oval in shape, depressed and nearly flat in profile. Snout truncate and slightly projecting beyond lower mandible. Nostrils close to snout tip. Labial fold evident throughout posterior half of upper jaw. Skull relatively narrow, with maxillary