天山姬螽,动物界-节肢动物门-昆虫纲-直翅目-螽斯科-姬螽属。Female (type). Pronotum with the disc feebly concave, forming distinct rounded angles with the lateral lobes; median keel well developed in metazona. Elytra reaching the third tergite, with broadly parabolic apex. Last sternite of normal structure. Subgenital plate trapezoidal, with the apex rounded-excised and the lateral angles subacute; the surface convex in the transverse direction, with a weak depression near the bae and a very low and indefinite median keel reaching to about the middle. Ovipositor regularly recurved from the base, gradually narrowed towards the apex. General coloration as in other members of the group. Male (paratype). Last tergite moderately prominent behind, the lobes triangular separated by an angular excision; the surface with a broad circular depression the bottom of which is hairy. Cercus cylindrical, with the apical portion (beyond the tooth) narrower than the basal and slightly bent outwards; the tooth a little beyond the mi