福鼎蝾螈,动物界-脊索动物门-两栖纲-有尾目-蝾螈科-蝾螈属。Small newt, with a total maximum length of 7-9 cm. Head shape oval in dorsal view. Snout truncate, projects slightly beyond mandible. Nostril on snout tip; eye large. Labial fold well developed. Inconspicuous longitudinal ridge posterior to each eye. Skull relatively narrow. Parotoid gland poorly developed. Gular fold usually absent. Skin finely granulated, venter and underside of limbs smooth. Vertebral ridge elevated and conspicuous. Four fingers and five toes, no webbing. Tail laterally compressed, tapers posteriorly; caudal fin distinct; tail tip bluntly pointed in female, rounded in male (Wu et al. 2010). Male smaller than female; the tail is shorter in the male than in the female. In the reproductive season, males have a wider and more swollen cloaca (Wu et al. 2010). Colour is dark-brown to lighter brown above; obscure black flecks on head and back. Vertebral ridge dark orange. Ventral colour ranges from yellowish orange to reddish orange. Number a