卵华蜷,软体动物门-腹足纲-新进腹足目-短沟蜷科。Shell surface smooth except for growth lines. Apex eroded, left three or four whorls. Body whorl inflated, the height of body whorl is about 68% of height. Snout, neck, sides of foot and dorsal surfaces of tentacles dark grey-black in colour. Snout broad and squarish, with roughly equal length cephalic tentacles (in preserved specimens).Ovipositor pore located on side of neck below right cephalic tentacle. Mantle edge smooth.Ctenidium extending from posterior end of mantle cavity to mantle edge.Osphradium simple, ridge like, roughly one half of ctenidium in length.Hypobranchial gland moderately well-developed with transverse ridges.