马克斯普朗克分子生理学研究所(Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology),地址:德国,多特蒙德;We are an international team of cell biologists, structural biologists, physicist and chemists engaged in a young, future-oriented research field: systems biology. The goal of our work is not to investigate individual elements of cells or tissues, but rather to obtain an integrated picture of all processes which regulate the metabolism, growth and proliferation of living organisms. The reason: Genes and proteins are not static building blocks of life. Rather, they are more like capricious divas: How they behave depends to a great extent on their surroundings and their respective contacts. And it is precisely this social behavior of the molecules which determines whether a cell stays healthy or not. To unravel these networks, researchers from different disciplines are venturing together into the nanocosmos and are 。