2018年5月25日 ,捷克国宝 弓弦荣光—捷克布拉格四重奏音乐会在 天津大剧院 精彩上演。
- 世界上最优秀的四重奏之一,捷克国宝级乐团,创立于1972年,历久弥新
- 每年乐季登台纽约卡内基音乐厅、林肯中心、伦敦威格摩音乐厅、荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅等一线舞台
- 出道不久即荣获依云弦乐四重奏大赛首奖、布拉格之春艺术节大奖、法国国家广播电台大赛最佳录音奖等
- 由Praga/Harmonia Mundi厂牌独家发行,录制专辑达30余张并多次获奖
布拉格四重奏唱片由Praga/Harmonia Mundi厂牌独家发行,录制专辑达30余张并多次获奖。除了为法国、德国、荷兰及捷克等多国电台录制节目外,布拉格四重奏还曾为Supraphon、Panton、Orfeo、Ottavo、Bonton和 Nuova Era等厂牌录制唱片。
继老牌四重奏组“雅纳切克”(Janacek Quartet )及“瓜奈里”(Guarneri Quartet)之后,布拉格四重奏也在2015年迎来自己新一代的领军人——杰出小提琴家雅娜•沃纳斯科娃担纲第一小提琴,开启了年轻的新篇章。雅娜毕业于伦敦皇家音乐学院,曾在斯美塔那三重奏组达九年。
独奏家及室内乐演奏家关常新是1992年全国钢琴比赛获奖者及美国第八届“马丁纪念奖”国际钢琴比赛首奖得主。毕业于北京中央音乐学院后于美国德克萨斯克里斯蒂安大学音乐学院获得钢琴演奏专业硕士学位,其主要指导教师包括应诗真、杨峻以及塔玛什·翁格博士。作为副教授及国际交流协调人执教于中国音乐学院钢琴系,关常新应邀定期在国内及海外多个城市、院校及艺术节举办独奏会、合奏巡演及大师班和学术讲座,其所授部分学生参加国内国际比赛获奖以及奖学金进入知名学府深造。关先生也担任国内外比赛评委,并合作创办了北京国际钢琴艺术节及科罗拉多国际钢琴大师班,其本人成为科罗拉多国际钢琴大师班及比利时Musica Mundi国际室内乐集训班及艺术节的常驻客座艺术家及教员。他开设《键盘艺术史》及《钢琴艺术概论》专业基础理论课,多次获得学生投票选为学院优秀教师之一。
Pražák Quartet
The Prazak Quartet- one of today´s leading international chamber music ensembles—was established in 1972 while its members were students at the Prague Conservatory. Since then, the quartet has gained attention for its place in the unique Czech quartet tradition, and for its musical virtuosity.
The 1974 Czech Music Year saw the Prazak Quartet receive the first prize at the Prague Conservatory Chamber Music Competition. Within twelve months their international career had been launched with a performance at the 1975 Prague Spring Music Festival. In 1978 the quartet took the first prize at the Evian String Quartet Competition as well as a special prize awarded by Radio France for the best recording during the competition. Further prizes were awarded at various other Czech competitions.
For more than 30 years, the Prazak Quartet has been at home on music stages worldwide. They are regular guests in the major European musical capitals—Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Milan, Madrid, London, Berlin, Munich, etc.—and have been invited to participate at numerous international festivals, where they have collaborated with such artists as Menahem Pressler, Jon Nakamatsu, Cynthia Phelps, Roberto Diaz, Josef Suk, and Sharon Kam.
The quartet has toured extensively in North America, having performed in New York (Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, 92nd St. Y), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, Washington, Philadelphia, Miami, St. Louis, New Orleans, Berkeley, Cleveland, Tucson, Denver, Buffalo, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. They will return to the US and Canada in the 2016-17 season.
The Prazak Quartet records exclusively for Praga/Harmonia Mundi which, to date, has released more than 30 award-winning CDs. In addition to numerous radio recordings in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic, the Prazak Quartet has also made recordings for Supraphon, Panton, Orfeo, Ottavo, Bonton, and Nuova Era.
In 2015 the Prazak Quartet, like the Janacek and Guarneri Quartets before them, opened a new chapter in their career by turning to youth and welcoming as leader the excellent violinist, Jana Vonaskova. A graduate of the Royal College of Music in London, she was a member of the Smetana Trio for 9 years
After two years of intensive study re-learning the repertoire in its new line-up, the quartet has once again taken to the international stage with great success. The spirit, freshness and agility of youth combine with the extensive experience of the ensemble’s founder-members to produce a renewed sound and energy and a sense of unity and togetherness that is truly remarkable. World tours to the United States and Japan and performances in Europe have been greeted with enthusiasm and numerous invitations. Currently the quartet is preparing for a new recording of the Smetana quartets: 20 years after their original version this is an opportunity to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the First Czechoslovak Republic while also honouring this great national composer.
GUAN Changxin, Piano
Recitalist and chamber music performer GUAN Changxin is one of the laureates at the 1992 China National Piano Competition and the 1st prize winner of the 8th Martin Memorial International Piano Competition. He graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China and earned master degree of music in piano performance from Texas Christian University in the USA. His main mentors and teachers include Profs. YING Shizhen,YANG Jun and Dr. Tamás Ungár. Currently associate Prof. of Piano and coordinator of international exchange in piano department at China Conservatory of Music, he has been invited to tour regularly nation-wide and overseas for recitals and collaboration with ensembles, as well as giving lecture/presentations and master classes at many festivals, institutions and cities. Some of his students have earned prizes at national and international competitions and scholarships to further their study at some of the most prestigious institutions. Mr. Guan also adjudicates national and international competitions and co-founded the Beijing International Piano Festival and the Colorado International Piano Academy, at which he himself is also guest artist & faculty in residence. In the past three years he has been one of the artists and faculty in residence at the Musica Mundi International chamber Music Course & Festival in Belgium. He teaches classes of History of Keyboard Music and Outline of Piano Artistry, and has been honored with the award of “Best Teacher” for several times voted by students at the conservatory.
贝多芬:G大调弦乐四重奏 Op.18/2
斯美塔那:e小调弦乐四重奏 我的一生
德沃夏克:A大调钢琴五重奏 Op.81
Beethoven: String Quartet in G major, Op.18/2
Smetana: String Quartet in E minor, From My Life
Dvorak: Piano Quintet in A major, Op.81
*This program is subjected to change.