2014奇妙人声组合《西班牙B vocal人声组合》

2014年12月2日 ,2014奇妙人声组合《西班牙B vocal人声组合》在 福建大剧院 精彩上演。






Alberto Marco Contratenor specialist

Alberto Marco Bescós was born in Zaragoza. From childhood he studied music at the "Liceo" in Barcelona and later routed his musical talent to singing at the Conservatory of Zaragoza, where he perfects the art of voice with teachers as Esperanza Melguizo or Beatriz Gimeno. Later explores the Renaissance and Baroque repertoire as a countertenor in the courses with Jordi Savall and collaborates in various formations of Ancient Music. It has also been part of Kea contemporary music group from Toulouse under the direction of Enrique Azurza. He is a singer simultaneously with the formation in choral conducting, having directed several choirs.

Skilled in the art of "falsetto" and expert on beatbox rhythms and vocal technique. From 1995 to nowadays he is part "b vocal", group where, as a curiosity, share the stage with his brother Carlos, also member of the group. In b vocal Alberto is a singer, arranger, composer and head of the work of audio recording studio and the group itself.

Juan Luís García Bass soloist, Flamenco dancer

Born in Cordoba on November 11th, 1977. It is the second of three brothers. From a young age, shows his interest in music, dance and all kinds of performing arts, beginning at an early age to take classes in classical and flamenco guitar. At 17 he began his singing studies at the Conservatory of Music of Cordoba and joins the ranks of the Choir of the Gran Teatro de Cordoba, in the bass section, which addresses four years countless scores of Opera, Zarzuela and Oratory, working on productions of the most prestigious theaters in Spain, as the Teatro Real, Teatro de la Zarzuela, Teatro Maestranza in Seville, etc, with the greatest figures of Bel Canto, as well as the best conductors of Europe. At the age of 21 years decides to change his residence to Zaragoza, where he continued studying singing, combining Flamenco dance studies, taking classes with different teachers in Madrid and Zaragoza. In "b vocal" carries out its work as a singer, actor, dancer, clown, writer and a long list of artistic aspects, like their teammates, for the past 13 years. At this time unceasingly continues his training with master classes in interpretation, clown, dance and choreography, vocal technique, Early music and Renaissance or beatbox.

Augusto Gonzalez Latin vocal percussion, Choir Conductor

Born in Zaragoza in 1971. At the age of 9 he made his musical talent as opposed to entering the Choir of "Infanticos del Pilar" in Zaragoza. He was there for four years learning Piano, Music Theory, Harmony, Choral Music, and received a complete musical education at the hands of masters such as José Vicente Gonzalez Valle, Joaquín Broto and Gregorio Garces. During this time recorded several vocal albums and toured Spain and Europe. After this period he continued his musical studies at the Conservatory of Zaragoza.

Complete Choral studies through the Aragonese Federation of Choirs, conducting studies with some of the bests directors of choirs in the world as Javier Busto, Carl H?gset Enrique Azurza, Nuria Fernández and Julio Dominguez. He also received master classes on vocal technique, movement and drama to complement its extensive musical training. From 1995 he founded and directed several choirs today continue his artistic work.

Throughout his career, has worked as a singer and soloist in prestigious musical ensembles as Schola Cantorum, Amici Musicae Choir Zaragoza Auditorium, Antigua Capilla Hispana group, etc.

Since 1995, as founder member of the group "b vocal" which carried out work as composer, arranger and writer, as well as perform songs solo, bass, baritone and "beat boxer" or specialist vocal rhythms.

Carlos Marco, Choir conductor and Beatboxer

Born in Zaragoza in September 1973, shortly after moving to the town of Canet de Mar, frequenting at a very early age and artistic circles around the group "Els Comediants". He began his musical studies at the Liceo Conservatory in Barcelona and, continuing them later in Zaragoza, where he took classes from Marina Pesci. Since 1994, studied Choral Direction through courses offered by the Aragonese Federation of Choirs, directed by Enrique Azurza Aramburu and Nuria Fernandez. It has also been taught by Professor Julio Dominguez and teachers as Carl H?gset, Digna Guerra, Fred Sjoberg, Vaclovas Augustine and Eva Pitlik. He has directed several choirs as "Maria Guerrero", "Locus Amoenus" and choral of the "Brotherhood of Employees in the CAI", in Zaragoza. In his teaching work has taught choral ensemble, music theory and piano at the music academies of Zaragoza "Mingote" and "Paganini". It has also belonged to the Early music ensemble "Roda de Isábena" and "Antigua Capilla Hispana". Since 2001, specializes in "beatbox", a discipline that emerged from the vocal music that mimics the use of all types of percussion with only the support of the voice.

He is in the group b vocal since its inception.

Fermín Polo Tenor repertoire

Born in January 21st, 1970 and b vocal group member since 1997, where he focus that love of music give him years ago singing in the district of Zaragoza tuna or Schola Cantorum of the University of Copenhagen, choral group where he met several of those who today are partners and friends in b vocal.

He studied singing at the Conservatory of Music in Zaragoza with teachers as Conchita Perez Falcon, Esperanza Melguizo and conducted courses with masters such as Robert Expert, Ana Luisa Chova, Miguel Zanetti or Alfredo Kraus and others. In another vein, always interested in leisure activities, for which it is entitled monitor and director, working in many colonies and camps with children and young people work in one way or another, is prolonged in concert educational and family b vocal takes. Young also inquired from the world of gastronomy and oenology, this hobby led him to pursue studies and a master sommelier in Viticulture and Enology. Another of his hobbies is to travel and communicate with people of the places you visit. He studied English, German, Italian, French and some Japanese and Chinese.
