
2018年4月22日 ,哈巴涅拉古典萨克斯四重奏音乐会在 国图艺术中心(原国图音乐厅) 精彩上演。








哈巴涅拉(Habanera) 四重奏已经成立于1993年,四位成员曾在法国国立巴黎音乐学院 (Conservatoire National de Musique de Paris) 学习期间获得第一个室内乐大奖,并创下拥有8个国际室内乐大赛一等奖的记录。

哈巴涅拉四重奏自创作以来就为阿尔法制作(Alpha Production)录制唱片,从《神秘的早晨》(Mysterious Morning)(阿尔法010)这种现代作品专辑到专门为格拉佐诺夫、格里格、德沃夏克及路易斯·斯科拉维奇录制CD(阿尔法041),受到专业音乐评论界的称赞,并荣获无数奖项(如“金色和谐奖”,由“古典与剧目”推荐。)


As they are fond of seldom visited musical territories, the musicians of the Habanera Quartet have made their way according to the artists they have met since 1993. Unprejudiced, they sail on different stages, from contemporary creations to unusual repertoires and transcriptions, from world music to improvised music.

After studying in the Paris Conservatoire (CNSMD) where the Habanera Quartet was awarded a first chamber music prize, it has made up a probably unique record with eight first international chamber music prizes (Bordeaux, Sanguinetto, Düsseldorf, Osaka).

The Habanera Quartet has recorded for Alpha productions since the latter’s creation. From Mysterious morning (Alpha 010), an overview of contemporary works (by Ligeti, Xenakis, Donatoni ...) to their record devoted to Glazounov, Grieg and Dvorak (Alpha 041) not to mention their meeting with Louis Sclavis for their common CD « L’engrenage », the specialized music press praises their eclectism, giving them numerous awards (Golden Diapason, recommended by Classica and Répertoire).

Year after year, the Habanera Quartet is more and more widely heard in France (Théâtre de la Ville, “Folles journées” in Nantes, “Festival de l’Epau”, IRCAM, Radio France, “Académie Bach”…) and all around the world (Japan, China, the USA, Canada, Europe). Classical musicians without tail coats, they wish to desacralize classical concerts, coming up with Bach, Steve Reich, Dvorak and Ligeti in the same night. Louis Sclavis, Michel Portal or David Krakauer have not been mistaken as they blend with the strong framework of the quartet when they improvise.

With Benjamin Lazar, the comedian, they created the show How Wang-Fô was saved by Marguerite Yourcenar in the “Académie Bach” in Arques la Bataille in 2007. Set to music by Alain Berlaud, this show was supported by the Culture Department in Haute-Normandy ( Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles ) and will be on in November 2008 within the Rouen Opera Season, then in Normandy during the Autumn Festival and eventually on February 16th 2009 on the stage of the Paris Opera Comique.

As distant followers of Adolphe Sax, the Habanera Quartet plays Selmer saxophones and mouthpieces, then contributing to their improvement.

Habanera Quartet was established in 1993 and awarded a first chamber music prize when  studying in the Paris Conservatoire (CNSMD) , which has made up a probably unique record with eight first international chamber music prizes.




Georg Friedrich TELEMANN ouverture de Wasser music

泰勒曼 水上音乐序曲

Anton DVORAK quatuor américain , lento et vivace

德沃夏克 美国四重奏

Gyorgÿ LIGETI , 6 bagatelles

利盖蒂 六首小品

Georges BIZET Carmen suite

比才 卡门组曲


Johann Sebastian BACH fantaisie et fugue in C minor

巴赫 C小调幻想曲和赋格

Claude DEBUSSY Toccata

德彪西 为钢琴而作之托卡塔

Léonard BERNSTEIN West side Story

伯恩斯坦 西区故事

Nino ROTA La passerella di 8 et dem

