2015年9月2日 ,世纪摇滚—2015帕尔哈提与德国全明星乐队世界巡回演唱会—武汉站在 武汉琴台大剧院 精彩上演。
Morgenland Festival Osnabrück All Star-Band
帕尔哈提,1982 年生于新疆乌鲁木齐,维吾尔族,中国著名音乐人。
2005 年,帕尔哈提组成了酸奶乐队(Qetiq)乐队名字的由来,表示声音都是天然的,用做天然酸奶的心来做音乐。
2010 年10 月,帕尔哈提与酸奶乐队首次赴德国柏林成功举办4 场音乐会(其中2 场与交响乐团合作),大获成功。
2011 年帕尔哈提加入德国全明星乐团担任主唱以及吉他手,同年远赴土耳其演出(与交响乐团合作)
2012 年在德国演出。
2013 年帕尔哈提在德国与各国音乐家合作演出,同年4 月酸奶乐队在德国出版唱片《来自塔克拉玛干的摇滚》,受到极大关注。随后英国BBC 广播电台也制作专题节目介绍酸奶乐队。
2014 年10 月获得《中国好声音》第二名。他被导师评价为“三季来最特别的好声音”。获得巨大轰动和反响。是当之无愧的“无冕之王”
德国全明星乐团(All Star-Band)
成立于2012年,第一次亮相在德国噢斯纳布鲁克东方音乐节,初次演出随即获得了相当高的评价,乐团以民间及传统音乐为主题,混合各种音乐元素,把十几位世界中西方音乐顶级大师汇集在同一个舞台,音乐内容很广(西方,中东,中亚音乐元素),跨越民族,跨越各国边界。用爵士音乐、传统音乐、古典音乐、世界音乐等元素跨界合作来唱出和谐和友谊之声。2013年,乐团跟国际知名的NDR Big Band(北德广播公司)在汉诺威的大厅的演唱会被录制并发行(CD: « Dastan » /“传说”)。
德国音乐家,生于1962年,音乐人。也是德国最著名的摇滚乐队“蝎子”乐队的鼓手(2001-2003)。获得多项国际打击乐奖项。受到乐迷的追捧。曾参加录制, 帕尔哈提与酸奶乐队第一张唱片« Qetiq , Rock fromTaklamakan desert » (酸奶,来自塔克拉玛干的摇滚)。
born in 1962 in Osnabrück. Had lessons as drummer and percussionist from 1973 and gave lessons himself from 1977 as a private teacher.Since 1984 he has worked as a professional musician and composer. He has taught drums,percussion and ensemble music at the Kreismusikschule Osnabrück e.V. since 1988.From 2001-2003 Dölker went on a world tour as the drummer of the rock band The Scorpions, and in 2006 toured England and Scotland with Snowy White. He has won international prizes for his percussion comedy show EXHAUSTED GROOVE ORCHESTRA and has appeared with them on TV several times. Dölker appears as a drummer in the fire-show LICENSE2BURN, and is also a much sought after performance artist.
德国贝斯演奏家。生于1968 年,毕业于荷兰皇家音乐学院。他跟很多有名的爵士以及布鲁斯乐团的演出,合作过的乐团有Tommy Schneller Band, Big Daddy Wilson, Erstes Improvisierendes Streichorchester, Sick for Toys。他是帕尔哈提,酸奶乐队国际版的贝斯手,也曾参加录制,帕尔哈提与酸奶乐队第一片唱片« Qetiq,Rock from Taklamakan desert » (酸奶,来自塔克拉玛干的摇滚).
was born in 1968 in Osnabrück. From 1992-1998 he studied Double Bass at the Amsterdam Arts Highschool. Since 1992 he has played with several bands including Tommy Schneller Band, Big Daddy Wilson, Erstes Improvisierendes Streichorchester, Sick for Toys. He is at home in various styles such as Crossover Rock, blues, jazz, impro and World music. He can be heard on the CD by the Syrian trio Hewar, “Letters to a homeland”, which appeared in 2012. This follows his appearance with the trio at the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück in 2011.
他也曾参加录制帕尔哈提与酸奶乐队的第一张唱片« Qetiq,Rock from Taklamakan desert » (酸奶,来自塔克拉玛干的摇滚)。并被邀参加酸奶乐队所有国际演出。
born in Damascus, Kinan was the first Arab to win the premier prize at the 1997 Nicolai Rubinstein International Competition, Moscow. A graduate of New York's Juilliard School as a student of Charles Neidich, and of both the Damascus High institute of Music where he studied with Shukry Sahwki, Nicolay Viovanof and Anatoly Moratof,and Damascus University’s School of Electrical Engineering, Kinan is currently finishing his doctoral work at the City University of New York. Hailed as a “virtuoso” by the New York Times and "Incredibly Rich sound" by the CBC, Kinan Azmeh is one of Syria’srising stars. His utterly distinctive sound across different musical genres is now fast gaining international recognition.
英国打击乐手、作曲家。伦敦戏剧学院打击乐教授。是世界第一位给Darbouka(西亚手鼓)写过交响乐的音乐人。他跟世界各国有名的乐团及音乐人合作演出。他也曾参加录制,酸奶乐队第一张唱片« Qetiq,Rock from Taklamakan desert » (酸奶,来自塔克拉玛干的摇滚)。
Internationally renowned Lebanese percussionist and composer Rony Barrak held his Darbouka (Middle Eastern tabla) at the tender age of four and began playing it intuitively. Led by early self-confidence, he made his first TV performance at the age of seven and then proceeded to improve his skills through school and family performances. At the age of seventeen, Rony distinguished himself in the world of music by winning the Gold Medal in a competition on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) television for talented young musicians in Lebanon and the Middle East. This achievement encouraged him to unleash the Darbouka from the chains of its long-standing traditional context and explore its full potential. He moved to London in 1990 where he studied orchestral percussion and drum kit at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and later taught Middle Eastern Percussion atTrinity College of Music. Rony became a British citizen in year 2000 and has dual citizenship of Lebanon and the U.K.
阿塞拜疆钢琴家,作曲家,他是一位把中亚爵士乐介绍给世界的杰出音乐人。阿塞拜疆的首都,是一个迷人的音乐都市。传统的木卡姆、交响古典音乐(前苏联最好的音乐学院组建与此)和热闹的爵士乐现场。使得阿塞拜疆成为高加索地区的音乐中心。钢琴家SALMAN 对中亚爵士乐走向世界的传播有重要影响。
Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is a fascinating musical metropolis: traditional mugham, symphonic music (the first conservatory in the Soviet Republic was built here) and a lively jazz scene have made the city a musical epicentre in the Caucasus. One of the most important exponents on the jazz scene is the pianist Salman Gambarow. Together with the ensemble Bakustic Jazz, which he founded in 1996, he gave a highly acclaimed concert in 2009 at the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück.
was born in 1979 in Izmir, Turkey. Aged 11 he began musical studies at the "Dokuz Eylül Staatskonservatorium" in Izmir and from 2001-2003 completed his Master studies on his chosen instrument, the viola. He has worked at the Izmir State Opera since 2005 and was awarded the "Medaille D'or" for chamber music. In 2011 he made his first guest appearance at the Morgenland Festival Osnabrück with the Izmir State Opera Orchestra.
1.敢问路在何方 --西游记主题曲 | 作词:阎肃 作曲:许镜清 | |
2.刀郎木卡姆 | 民间音乐 | |
3.工人 | 词曲:帕尔哈提(有版权) | |
4.知足 | 词曲:帕尔哈提(有版权) | |
5.生日 | 词曲:帕尔哈提(有版权) | |
6.天空 | 词曲:帕尔哈提(有版权) | |
7.塔里木 | 新疆民歌 | |
8.黑走马 | 新疆民歌 | |
9.燕子 | 新疆民歌 | |
10.狼 | 词曲:帕尔哈提(有版权) | |
11.花儿为什么这样红 | 词曲:雷振邦 | |
12.礼物 | 词曲:许巍 | |
13.你怎么舍得我难过 | 词曲:黄品源 | |
14.思念谁 | 作词:沈庆 作曲:禄学军 | |
15.存在 | 词曲:汪峰 | |
16.故乡 | 词曲:许巍 | |
17.怀念战友 | 词曲:雷振邦 | |
18.未来的主人翁 | 词曲:罗大佑 | |
19.青春舞曲 | 新疆民歌 | |
20.炼爱 | 词曲:谭旋(有版权) | |
21.忘了她 | 词:黄辉 曲:谭旋(有版权) | |
22.Give me One reason | 词曲:Tracy Chapman | |
23.乐队即兴表演 | ||
*实际演出曲目以演出当天为准* |