Lenny Kravitz"昂首阔步"世界巡演上海站

2015年3月21日 ,Lenny Kravitz"昂首阔步"世界巡演上海站在 上海大舞台(上海体育馆) 精彩上演。







Lenny Kravitz Is In Town!!

Lenny Kravitz started his Strut tour in 2014. After countless sold out shows worldwide, it’s time for Shanghai to experience Kravitz’ soulful energy and rock vibes!

On March 21, 2015 Lenny Kravitz will perform at the Shanghai Grand Stage!  You’d better be ready to rock!!

On September 23, 2014 Lenny Kravitz released his tenth studio album Strut on his own Roxie Records via Kobalt Label Services. On June 13 he announced that “The Chamber” would be the album's first single. The single was released on June 24. On August 6 “Sex” was released as the album's second single. On October 21 “New York City” was released as the album's third single. The album ranked at 38 of Rolling Stone 50 Best Album of 2014.

Kravitz is describing his tenth studio album, aptly titled Strut, and his summary squarely hits the mark: it’s raw, it’s got soul and it’s a real rock & roll record. The album’s twelve tracks – including such titles as “New York City,” “I Never Want to Let You Down” and “She’s a Beast” – hit hard rhythmically and explores desire in all its forms, from the most physical to the most idealized. These songs wear their heart on their sleeve, and that’s the way Kravitz intended it. He’s had massive hits over the years and sold tens nearly forty million albums. Now is a perfect time to get to the heart of the matter.  

Kravitz began to conceive Strut while he was filming his role in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Rather than being exhausted, the long days of filming made the musician in him yearn for an outlet. “I heard all this music swimming around in my head,’” he recalls, though he had no intention of making an album. “That was the last thing on my mind,” he says. “All of this music started bursting out of me.” In a couple of weeks he had the bones of the songs that would become Strut. “I had no time to think about what kind of record I was making or anything like that,” he says, laughing. “I didn’t know what the hell I was doing!” He was working entirely on instinct and inspiration.

Strut opens with the ferocious onslaught of “Sex,” a song about the “everyday animal feelings that we all have,” and closes with a muscular cover of Smokey Robinson & The Miracles’ classic “Ooo Baby Baby,” one of the most romantic songs in all of popular music. Kravitz heard the song on the radio and was reminded of its endless beauty and allure. “On our last night in the studio at five in the morning,” he recalls, “I thought it would be really cool to end the album with a classic cover. I wanted it to feel like the club was being swept up and the lights were being turned on, but we’re going to play one last classic for you. So we listened to it a couple of times, learned the chords and cut it in one solid take. I look forward to playing it for Smokey.”

And for us. Kravitz will be hitting the road for an extensive world tour, performing songs from Strut as well as from a distinguished career that has made him one of the most distinctive and successful recording artists of the past quarter century. “I feel like I’m just beginning, like I’m just hitting my stride,” he says, and in its high energy, optimism and sheer love of music making, Strut sounds that way too.

On March 21, 2015 Lenny Kravitz will perform at the Shanghai Grand Stage!  You’d better be ready to rock!!

2015年3月21日,Lenny Kravitz将首次登上中国的舞台,在上海大舞台进行全球巡演中国站的演出。这对国内乐迷来说,绝对是2015开年最重磅的演出!

Lenny Kravitz出道至今获奖无数,其中就包括MTV音乐录影带大奖(1993年)、全英音乐奖(1994年)、全美电台音乐奖(2001年)、美国热门娱乐奖(2001年)和全美音乐奖(2002年)。 必须提到的是,自1999年到2002年,Kravitz依此凭借《Fly Away》、《American Woman》、《Again》和《Dig In》四张作品,一连四年获得“格莱美最佳摇滚男歌手”奖项,刷新了这一奖项设置以来的获奖记录。 2014年9月,Kravitz终于发行第十张专辑《Strut》,宣告了其事业重心重新回归音乐!让我们共同期待他3月21日在上海大舞台的亮相。

“超级碗”比赛从来都是美国最重要的娱乐活动,而在比赛中场休息时的15分钟表演,也从来都是每年人们最期待的。从Michael Jackson再到Bruno Mars,从Madonna再到Beyonce,只有明星中的明星才有资格站在这个舞台上。而2015年的舞台上,和Katy Perry一起进行表演的明星便是横跨音乐和时尚界的超级明星Lenny Kravtiz。

2014年,这位曾经连续四年获得格莱美的歌手发行了个人第十张录音室唱片《Strut》,其中的单曲“New York City”,“I Never Want to Let You Down”和“She’s a Beast”凭借纯正的曲风和真挚的情感,获得了空前的成功。成功对于Lenny Kravitz并不陌生,这位音乐界的红人在全世界的唱片销量早已超过4000万张。

说起《Strut》唱片的写作过程也非常有意思。当时Lenny正在拍摄电影《饥饿游戏》,他在其中扮演Cinna这一角色。在拍电影的闲暇之余,不停的有旋律在他的脑中打转。几周后,《Strut》整张唱片便在片场创作就完成了。用Lenny自己的话来说“这是一张用本能创作的唱片。”电影拍摄结束后,他回到家中便开始了唱片的创作。之后他找来了传奇音乐缩混师Bob Clearmountain挎刀,这位工程师曾经为David Bowie的《Let’s Dance》, 滚石乐队的《Tattoo you》以及Bruce Springsteen的《Born in the U.S.A》等经典唱片缩混。他为《Strut》唱片注入了生命。而唱片发行后开始的大规模世界巡演,更加印证了Lenny Kravitz在世界范围内的影响力。

回顾过去,Lenny Kravitz从来就不是“复古摇滚第一人”,但他却以一种开放的音乐态度,成功地将灵魂乐、放克、雷鬼、硬摇滚、迷幻、民谣,甚至是大众抒情曲风融会贯通,成为摇滚史上不可忽视的音乐巨匠之一。2015年3月21日,Lenny Kravitz将首次登上中国的舞台,在上海大舞台进行全球巡演中国站的演出。这对国内乐迷来说,绝对是2015开年最重磅的演出!
