2017 Liam Gallagher深圳演唱会

2017年8月12日 ,2017 Liam Gallagher深圳演唱会在 华润深圳湾体育中心 精彩上演。






Liam Gallagher










让中国乐迷苦等了26年的英伦摇滚传奇主唱Liam Gallagher的首次中国巡演,将在今夏8月10日、8月12日分别于北京、深圳举行!

Liam Gallagher曾担任知名英伦摇滚乐队主唱,标志性的嗓音定义了一个时代,叱咤风云的成就统领了一代风潮,如雷贯耳的大名代表了Britpop的全盛巅峰时期。他是英伦摇滚史上风头最劲的主唱之一,更是全球乐迷景仰的摇滚偶像。

今年5月30日(英国时间),Liam Gallagher已正式开启首次个人巡演的旅程。巡演的第一场,Liam Gallagher选在了家乡曼彻斯特。为了帮助数天前曼城遭受恐袭的受害者及其家人,本次演唱会的所有收益都被捐献给We Love Manchester Emergency基金会。随后的6月4日(英国时间),Liam Gallagher作为压轴表演嘉宾,惊喜出现在由美国歌手亚莉安娜(Ariana Grande)组织的曼彻斯特慈善演唱会现场,与Coldplay同台演唱经典曲目《Live Forever》,让全球乐迷感动落泪。

除积极献身公益事业,今年5月31日(英国时间),Liam Gallagher全新单曲《Wall of Glass》正式全球发布,官方MV也同步上线。与以往不同的是,这首歌的制作更加注重贝斯低音线条的处理,不仅兼顾了Liam的声音特色,又给他的作品带来了全新的角度。强大的吉他音墙和Liam强大的嗓音,让听众能够处处感受到他喷薄而发的力量,为全球深爱他的乐迷带来惊喜,也以此掀起乐界对英伦摇滚的全新关注。

据悉,Liam Gallagher首张全新个人专辑《As You Were》将会于今年10月正式对外发布。而在中国记者前期的采访中,当被问及本次8月的中国巡演现场是否会演唱新专辑歌曲时,Liam Gallagher回答道:“我要唱的歌应该是以前经典的老歌和现在一些新歌的结合,会是不错的混搭!”可见,本次北京站、深圳站的演出现场,乐迷们将有幸在新专辑正式发布之前,抢先听到Liam Gallagher的全新曲目,相信这会让中国的乐迷对本次演出多一份期待。

这个夏天,让我们共同见证属于Liam Gallagher美好而难忘的夜晚!致敬那个让我们感动过、激情过的英伦摇滚巅峰时代! 8月,现场见!

British rock singer-songwriter Liam Gallagher will make his debut tour in China by visiting Beijing on August 10 and Shenzhen on August 12.

As one of the most influential rock stars of UK, Gallagher has been in the limelight for about three decades. The rock singer-songwriter is known for his unique voice and his talent for songwriting, which won him numerous of fans worldwide.

On May 30 (local time in UK), Gallagher kicked off his debut tour as a solo artist by playing a hometown concert in Manchester, England. To benefit the families of the bombing victims at the Manchester Arena on May 22, all profits from his first gig will go to the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund. On June 4 (local time in UK), Gallagher joined in Ariana Grande's One Love Manchester benefit show. He took the stage with members of UK rock band Coldplay to perform the classic hit, Live Forever, as a tribute to the bombing victims.

On May 31 (local time in UK), Gallagher has released his latest single, Wall of Glass, from his upcoming album, titled As You Were, which is expected in October. He has unveiled this debut solo single, at the emotional Manchester charity concert. Music video of the single has also been released online. Fans have gained a fresh perspective about the singer-songwriter. With raucous power chords, pounding drums and wailing harmonica, Gallagher snarls in the song with his trademark voice.

In the interviews Gallagher did with Chinese media, the singer-songwriter unveils that he is going to perform some of his new songs as well as his classic hits. “It will be one big surprise – can’t wait!” said Gallagher. Chinese fans in Beijing and Shenzhen will have the chance to listen to the rock star’s new materials right before the release of his new album this October.

This summer, let’s witness the history of Gallagher’s debut China tour, which surely will take fans back to the memory lane of the golden days of British rock.
