古典明星演绎浪漫法兰西 小提琴王子五岛龙上海音乐会 Romance of France - Viol

2018年6月16日 ,古典明星演绎浪漫法兰西 小提琴王子五岛龙上海音乐会 Romance of France - Violin Recital by Ryu Goto在 东方艺术中心 精彩上演。







小提琴 | 五岛龙

钢  琴 | 史佳怡

VIOLIN | Ryu Goto

PIANO | Jiayi Shi


肖松 | 音诗

德彪西 | 小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲

德彪西 | 亚麻色头发的少女


圣-桑 | d小调小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲

圣-桑 | 引子与回旋随想曲

Ernest Chausson | Poem

Debussy | Sonata for Violin and Piano

Debussy | La fille aux cheveux de lin


Saint-Saëns | Sonata for Violin and Piano No.1 in d minor, op.75

Saint-Saëns | Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso

*曲目以现场为准 Program is subject to change

小提琴 | 五岛龙

1988年出生在美国纽约的美籍日裔小提琴家五岛龙(Ryu Goto),是日本国宝级小提琴家宓多里的弟弟。他的音乐之路启蒙得相当早,三岁就开始学小提琴,他的老师包括洋子·吉尔伯特(Yoko Gilbert)、俄裔小提琴大师丹青柯(Victor Danchenko)以及台湾旅美小提琴家林昭亮等。被誉为日本小提琴神童的五岛龙,七岁时已应太平洋音乐节主办单位之邀,在日本札幌首度公开举行演奏会。其后更是常以独奏家身份获邀与各大知名乐团演出,包括美国华盛顿国家交响乐团、英国伦敦爱乐乐团、慕尼黑爱乐乐团、维也纳交响乐团、悉尼交响乐团、上海交响乐团等;他也常与现今国际古典乐坛的一流大师合作,如阿什肯纳齐、洛林‧马泽尔、法比奥·路易西、莱昂纳德•斯拉特金、郑明勋、长野健、谭盾等。

舞台上的不凡表现与帅气的外貌,让五岛龙跻身唱片圈,更被誉为古典乐的气质偶像。他的第一张专辑,是在2005年推出的同名演奏专辑「五岛龙 Ryu Goto」,由德国百年唱片公司-德意志留声机公司(Deutsche Grammophon)以及国际知名的环球音乐公司所共同发行,一上市就成为抢手货,更荣登日本古典乐专辑榜上年度销售冠军,五岛龙的音乐实力与个人魅力已无庸置疑。2006年,德意志留声机公司再度与五岛龙携手合作,推出独奏专辑,并由欧洲青年联合管弦乐团伴奏,专辑指挥则由知名指挥家阿什肯纳齐跨刀;而在专辑大卖后,又紧接着推出现场实况DVD,也造成极大轰动。在2007年,五岛龙的第二张专辑与DVD「五岛龙日本三得利音乐厅小提琴演奏现场实况」同时推出,博得极高的评价。

音乐才华洋溢、高超的音乐技巧,当然得有一把好琴在手,才能相得异彰。五岛龙也有一把年代久远、琴身线条优雅音色温润的小提琴:由日本非营利组织(NPO)「NIPPON MUSIC FOUNDATION」出借,名为 “JUPITER”的1722年史特拉瓦里提琴。


Violin | Ryu Goto

Born in New York in 1988, Ryu Goto began playing the violin at the age of three. His teachers include Yoko Gilbert, Victor Danchenko and Cho-Liang Lin. He has also attended the top American Music Institution – the Juilliard School of Music (pre-college department), and in May 2011 he graduated from Harvard with a BA Degree in Physics, and is currently studying with Ms Ana Chumachenco.

Ryu has established himself as a significant voice in classical music, with a large and growing public in Asia, Northe America and Europe. Ryu made his concert debut at the age of seven playing all three movements of the Paganini Violin Concerto No. 1 at the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo, Japan. Since then, he has appeared as a soloist with a number of international orchestras, including the Dallas and Washington National Symphonies in the United States; the London Philharmonic, Wiener Symphoniker, Muenchner Philharmoniker, the European Union Youth Orchestra and Hamburger Symphoniker in Europe; the Vancouver Symphony in Canada, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra of South Africa; Shanghai Philharmonic, Shanghai Symphony, China National Symphony and the China Philharmonic in China; and Sydney Symphony in Australia;. In Japan his engagements have included performances with the Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra, Japan Virtuoso Orchestra and the Kyoto Symphony, among others. Ryu has collaborated with renowned conductors including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Myung-Whun Chung, Yutaka Sado, Jonathan Nott, Fabio Luisi, Tan Dun and Mikko Franck.

Ryu's debut CD "Ryu Goto", released in 2005 by Deutsche Grammophon in collaboration with Universal Classics Japan, quickly became the best selling classical album in Japan for that year. In 2006, Deutsche Grammophon released the Brahms Violin Concerto with Ryu as soloist with the European Union Youth Orchestra under the baton of Vladimir Ashkenazy, which was then released as a DVD. In 2007, Ryu’s second CD and DVD "Ryu Goto Violin Recital 2006 – Live from Suntory Hall” were released with high acclaim.

Ryu's violin is the 1722 Stradivarius, known as "Jupiter", on loan to him from the Japanese NPO "Nippon Music Foundation".

In addition to his concert engagements, Ryu enjoys playing the guitar and has a black belt in karate.

钢琴 | 史佳怡

史佳怡是一位近年来活跃于国际舞台的室内乐钢琴家,生于上海。自从她成功与小提琴家宓多里在纽约Mostly Mozart Festival演出后,世界多个知名的艺术殿堂留下了她的身影。其中包括了旧金山交响乐团的戴维斯大厅、英国伦敦爱乐的圣卢克大厅、美国华盛顿的肯尼迪艺术中心等。

史佳怡近年的演出亮相包括在美国肯尼迪艺术中心、德国慕尼黑、德国雷根斯堡、日本名古屋等地举办独奏音乐会及巡演;与宓多里参与现场录制韩国国家广播公司制作的古典音乐系列栏目 “古典旅程 ”;参加加拿大多伦多音乐电台的现场直播音乐会等。她曾多次被大师班及音乐节邀请,在欧洲的许多舞台上登台演出,受到好评。观众尤为赞赏的是她对音乐诠释上的敏感和灵性,以及音色上的诗意。

同时,史佳怡也是一位活跃的艺术教育者。 她是美国南加州拜欧拉大学和拉西瑞亚大学的钢琴及室内乐教授。通过与“表演艺术联盟”基金会和“宓多里和她的朋友”基金会的合作,她努力在为传播古典音乐艺术及青少年音乐教育做出贡献。

Piano | Jiayi Shi

Pianist Jiayi Shi maintains an active schedule as a chamber musician and collaborative pianist. Since her New York recital debut with violinist Midori at the prestigious Mostly Mozart Festival, Ms. Shi has given chamber recitals in notable venues such as Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco and St. Luke’s Hall in London. She performs regularly with many other distinguished musicians, including Los Angeles Philharmonic Concertmaster Martin Chalifour, violin soloist Ryu Goto and Bavarian Radio Orchestra Principal Korbinian Altenberger.

Ms. Shi’s recent concert appearances include recital in the Kennedy Center of Performing Arts in Washington D. C, live TV performances with Midori in the KBS series “Classical Odyssey” in Korea, recital appearances in Munich and Regensburg, Germany, recital tour in Nagoya, Japan and radio broadcast performances in Toronto, Canada. A frequent participating artist for the Aurora Music Festival in Sweden, Weimar Masterclasses and Schleswig-Holstein Masterclasses in Germany, Ms. Shi has been to concert stages all over Europe delivering performances to enthusiastic acclaim. Applauded for the sensitivity and poetry of her musical interpretation, Ms Shi’s repertoire spans the entire repertoire for violin and piano.

As an educator, Ms. Shi has been on the faculty at Biola University and La Sierra University in Southern California. She has also given master classes in connection with Partners in Performances, a foundation whose mission is to bring classical music to rural areas of USA. Her recent chamber music tour also brought her to the teaching platforms in Korea and China.
