
2016年11月6日 ,Salmagundi爵士乐团中国巡演—青岛站在 青岛大剧院 精彩上演。









Tom Richeson is a world class jazz soloist on trumpet and the EWI (Electric Wind Instrument) –a synthesizer controller based on the trumpet.

*电子吹管—-Electric Wind Instrument(EWI):一种基于小号的电子音乐合成控制器

His credit list reads like a “Who’s Who” of the jazz and pop world. He has toured or performed with The Jacksons (Michael and Janet), Diana Ross, The Spinners, The Temptations, Lou Rawls, the O’Jays, the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Charlie Spivak, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis, Jr. and jazz legends Pharaoh Sanders, Jerry Coker, Art Porter, Jr., and Donald Brown. He is a member of the Arkansas Jazz Hall of Fame, and was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Fellowship in 1986.

与其合作演出的人员名单看起来就像是爵士和流行音乐的“名人录”。他与杰克逊(迈克尔和珍妮)*,戴安娜·罗斯、织机乐队、诱惑乐队、路尔劳斯、欧杰斯合唱团、汤米·道尔西管弦乐队、查理·斯比瓦克,弗兰克·辛纳屈,艾拉·费兹杰拉,萨米·戴维斯,爵士传奇法拉·桑德拉,杰瑞·库里,阿特·波特,唐纳德·布朗。Tom Richeson作为阿肯色州爵士音乐厅成员,在1986年被授予国家艺术基金会奖学金。

*迈克尔·珍妮是迈克尔·杰克逊的亲妹妹,在九十年代与麦当娜、惠特妮·休斯顿、玛丽亚·凯莉并称为“四大天后”。Tom  Richeson曾与兄妹二人都合作过。

Mark Boling, extraordinary jazz guitarist is also is Associate Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Jazz Program at the University of Tennessee School of Music. He has earned degrees from the Berklee School of Music, Boston, Massachusetts. and the M.M. from the University of Tennessee. As a performing guitarist, he is leader of the Mark Boling Trio. They perform together in many styles and contexts – New Orleans, blues, rock, funk, free, fusion, bop, and big band – and have played regularly with great musicians like Charlie Byrd, Donald Brown, Gregory Tardy, Jerry Coker, Zim Ngqawana and the Knoxville Jazz Orchestra.

Mark Boling,优秀的爵士吉他手,田纳西大学音乐学院副教授和爵士项目负责人。他在田纳西大学和位于马萨诸塞州波士顿的伯克利音乐学院都取得了学位。作为吉他演出艺术家,他是马克·博林爵士乐团领军人物。乐团成员们一起进行过许多风格和内容的演奏,包括新奥尔良爵士乐风格*,蓝调,摇滚,方克爵士,自由爵士,融和爵士,波普爵士,和大型爵士乐队*。

*新奥尔良爵士乐(New Orleans Jazz):爵士乐最早的音乐风格。

*大型爵士乐队:”Big band" 是指一组十个或以上的音乐家组成的爵士乐团,开创了在爵士乐中使用大型管弦乐的先河。

In addition to his three CDs, Trio Life, Tune Me and Evidence (MaBO Music), he is the author of Creative Comping Concepts for Jazz Guitar (Mel Bay) and The Jazz Theory Workbook (Advance Music).

除了他发行的三张唱片, Trio Life, Tune Me and Evidence (MaBO Music), 他还是书籍Creative Comping Concepts for Jazz Guitar (Mel Bay) and The Jazz Theory Workbook (Advance Music)的作者.



