2015年6月20日 ,日本知名唱作歌手RIE FU 2015年上海演唱会在 万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 ) 精彩上演。
万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 )-梦想剧场SREAM HALL(原Q-Hall)
日本唱作歌手Rie fu出道十周年,
更将全新编排Rie fu代表作《死神BLEACH》、《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》、《黑之契约者DARKER THAN BLACK》ED!
你不可错过的Rie fu现场!
Rie fu是日本歌坛特立独行的唱作人,被歌迷誉为“歌唱着的哲学家”。Rie fu ,原名舩越里恵,1985年1月11日生于日本东京,2004年3月以一首单曲《Rie who!?》 出道。同年9月,她发表了第二首单曲《Life is Like a Boat》,作为日本动漫《死神Bleach》的首支ED,同时也成为了Rie fu最负盛名的音乐作品。之后Rie fu 相继演唱了《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》、《驱魔少年》、《黑之契约者》等多部日本经典动漫歌曲,为众多国内外动漫迷们所熟知。她独具质感的声线,透明如空气般的嗓音,使得她自2004年发表了第一张专辑后,就为大众所熟知。Rie fu的音乐非常具有个性,她的最大特点就是能将欧美音乐巧妙地融入日本音乐中,英日双语的歌词也是她的标志之一。
Rie fu迎来十周年纪念第一弹就是新原创专辑「I」。作为10周年企划专辑,「I」集合了Rie fu从出道、留学、到唱片公司独立、再到结婚的这10年间全部的体验与心境的一张“inside”的作品。虽然整专比较“私人化”,但内容充实又很有趣。
Rie fu即将在北京、上海展开2015年中国巡演。Rie fu将会以现场乐队的形式展开中国巡演。中国巡演北京、上海站,Rie fu会和乐队现场呈现新专辑《I》的全新曲目,更会特意为《死神BLEACH》、《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》、《黑之契约者DARKER THAN BLACK》等多部日本经典动漫歌曲做全新编排,带给内地观众。值得期待的是, Rie fu不仅以唱作人的身份出现,还将在巡演中同时担当吉他手和键盘手。新专辑的制作人Hikaru Ishizaki同时将作为乐队的关键成员加盟此次Rie fu在华巡演,而Hikaru Ishizaki这位金牌制作人兼乐手正是制作“Life is Like a Boat” 和“I Wanna Go to a Place…”这些经典作品的创作人。
让我们一起期待Rie fu 和她的乐队首度来华巡演吧!
NEW ALBUM “I” and tour 2015
Since her debut in 2004, Rie fu has been a one-of-a-kind artist not only in her career, but in her personal lifesyle, such as studying art in London, establishing her own label, getting married and moving to Singapore in 2014.
Celebrating her 10th anniversary year in 2014, Rie fu has completed a colorful and eccentric new album.
Pushing her boundaries as a songwriter by working with writers in UK and in Sweden, she has written new poignant songs, in a way that the listeners can turn the pages in a colorful book to discover new landscapes along with each song.
The tour will consist of those new songs, welcoming the same producer Hikaru Ishizaki who created genius album production for “I” as the key band member, and also popular songs of Rie fu in the past, such as “Life is Like a Boat” and “I Wanna Go to a Place…”.
Rie fu performs both guitar and keyboard, also with the band, adding variety of arrangements to the songs for the audience to enjoy.
RIE FU China Tour 2015
Date: Jun20 Sat 8PM-10PM
Venue: QSW Culture Centre-Q-Hall(Live House)
Location: 179 Yichang Lu, near Jiangning Lu
Prices : 200rmb(2F Standing Area)300rmb(1F Standing Area)