MTA 天漠音乐节上海站-Years & Years乐队专场

2017年5月19日 ,MTA 天漠音乐节上海站-Years & Years乐队专场在 万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 ) 精彩上演。



万代南梦宫文化中心(原上海浅水湾文化艺术中心 )



Years & Years


Years & Years 是英国近年来获得最大音乐成就突破和最受喜爱的新晋乐队,其广受热议的首张专辑《Communion》,在2015年登顶了英国专辑榜。已售出逾150万张的专辑《Communion》,霸气占领了全球20多个国家排行榜的前十之席。2016年更是见证了他们飞速的成长,除了被四项英国大奖提名,Years & Years还成功使得所有的巡演门票都被抢购一空,而在 Wembley Arena 演出中更是创造了票房的巅峰奇迹。

Years & Years and Sam Smith

Years & Years are one of the UK’s biggest and most loved breakthrough bands of recent years whose widely critically acclaimed debut album ‘Communion’ topped the charts in 2015. ‘Communion’ has clocked over 1.5million sales to date and hit the top ten in over 20 countries around the world. In 2016 the band were nominated for 4 Brit Awards and sold out numerous tour dates globally that culminated at London’s Wembley Arena

同时,被广为议论的乐队的灵魂人物Olly Alexander更是一跃成为英国最重要的青年领军人物之一。他在Glastonbury上带有挑衅性的LGBT演讲和乐队大热单曲《Desire》那倍受争议的MV也仅仅是他强大影响力的两个佐证。不可否认的是, Olly已逐渐成为年轻一代的代表之声,不仅仅在于他的音乐,更在于他的态度和看法。

Simultaneously, frontman Olly Alexander has emerged as one of the most talked about and culturally important young talents. His defiant LGBT speech at Glastonbury and the bands controversial video for hit single ‘Desire’are just two examples of his powerful influence, which have seen him emerge as a voice of his generation.

2013年,Years & Years 因为作为 Sam Smith的巡演嘉宾,开始被更多人认识。而就像魔法一般,2014年、2015年,英国极具预言性、最富未来眼光的大奖—— BBC 年度之声,就分别被 Sam Smith 和 Years & Years 拿走。

In 2013, Years & Years makes a figure after playing on Sam Smith’s tour and in the following years, 2014 and 2015, the British most predictive music award was won separately by Sam Smith and Years & Years just like magic.

Years & Years and Katy Perry

于是,Years & Years 就在部分乐迷“这么好听千万不要火啊”的呼喊中,快速窜红,并吸引了不少明星大牌粉丝,比如水果姐 Katy Perry和《绝命毒师》的 Aaron Paul。

Since then, Years & Years has become more and more famous when fans were hoping “Please don’t become everyone’s Years & Years and just be mine!”What’s more, the new band has also won some “big name” as their fans, such as Katy Perry, and Aaron Paul from “Breaking Bad”.

但年年最紧张的粉丝当然还是遍布世界各地的你们啦!所以在今夏的 5 月21 日,年年将来到中国北京,和伦敦所向披靡的融合电子乐团 Clean Bandit 一起,燃爆第二届更新更酷的“MTA天漠音乐节”。

But what really matters to Years & Years is always the fans around the world! Therefore, on this early summer, May 21th, they are coming to Beijing, China, and ignite the second “MTA Festival” with Clean Bandit, the “invincible” electronic band from London in the Sky Desert.

不过自从公布了年年要来北京的消息之后,主办方在后台收到最多的消息,就是“我要和年年尬舞!”。但是又考虑到有那么多迷弟迷妹们无法来到北京,所以贴心的主办方特意安排了MTA上海站,在 5 月 19日,这个可爱骚气的新晋大热电子鲜肉乐团——Years & Years就会来到上海的万代南梦宫上海文化中心,和你们一起尬舞!躁起来吧各位!

Since the great news has been announced, the most frequently mentioned message we received, is that “I can’t wait to get the YY’s party started!”. Considering that many fans can’t make it to the venue in Beijing, we have prepared another show in Shanghai. On May 20th, the British cutest and charming electronic trio, Years & Years, is to perform in the Bandai Namco Shanghai Base. So… Are you ready to blow the dance floor with them?
