
2013年12月29日 ,2014大连新年音乐会——艺隆之夜在 大连国际会议中心 精彩上演。










斯图加特交响乐团(The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra)是活跃在德国西南部各大乐团的顶尖音乐家们为着共同的理想而组建的乐团。其宗旨,是发起和创建跨界音乐项目,用高水准的演绎和新颖的推广方式,把音乐带入每个听众的身边。乐团在选择曲目和排练方式上大胆采用新的思维,在不背叛传统的原则下,不断尝试新的诠释。除了古典音乐曲库范畴,音乐家们主动放下高高在上的架子,与其他领域的艺术家们,例如流行音乐或是非主流音乐,共同进行跨界艺术合作。他们还特别关注和参与电影音乐的工作,为一些优秀的电影作品配乐。从这个意义上来说,斯图加特交响乐团是新一代的、具创新精神的乐团。

在录取乐团成员、指挥以及独奏家方面乐团采取非常严格和苛刻的考核制度,同时注重培养年轻的优秀音乐家。乐团在各著名音乐厅,如莱比锡布业大厅音乐厅、斯图加特音乐厅、多特蒙德音乐厅等的演出都给观众留下难以磨灭的印象。其中,2012年春与著名澳大利亚著名钢琴家大卫·赫尔夫戈特合作(David Helfgott,著名影片《闪亮的风采》便是以他的生平为脚本拍摄),在维也纳金色大厅的首场演出获得观众们长达23分钟的站立鼓掌欢呼。

乐团创始人和音乐总监瓦尔特·舍尼克先生(Walter Schirnik)既是卓越的指挥家,也是作曲家和演奏家,以及电影音乐制作人。他勇于突破古典音乐与流行音乐的界限,带领乐团给斯图加特这座城市的文化景观带来新鲜而别致的景象。凭借其独特的艺术风格和理念,斯图加特交响乐团与当地其他一流乐团一起,例如斯图加特广播交响乐团、斯图加特室内乐团等,共同承担德国西南州首府的音乐演出和文化传播的使命。



The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra was founded to lead the city's great cultural and musical tradition into a new direction. Stuttgart's best orchestral musicians, assembled from Stuttgart most famous orchestras, form one new orchestra. This focus on high quality allows for new standards in a wide range of musical genres to be set.

The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra have made it their mission to let the music reach out to their listeners personally. This chosen direction naturally requires leading on to a new path beyond the stiff program- and rehearsal structures of a static theatre business. The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra brings on a new interpretation of orchestral tradition without betraying it.

This type of selective orchestra can be compared to a national sports team, where only the best players from each regional team get to compete on an international level. The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra meets these criteria through their selection of outstanding conductors and soloists.

In April/May 2012 the orchestra's premiere tour earned 23 minutes of standing ovations for their opening concert at Musikverein in Vienna. The tour's soloist was Australian pianist David Helfgott, whose life story was featured in the Academy Award winning motion picture “Shine”.

Further concerts with exceptional conductor Matthias Foremny were performed and celebrated at Gewandhaus zu Leipzig, Konzerthaus Dortmund and Stuttgarter Liederhalle. The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra adapt to musical progress and account for being a modern body of sound by also including genres such as film score, popular entertainment music and crossover.

The orchestra's director and founder, Walter Schirnik, is a successful participant in the music business and, next to composing, producing and performing, also works with orchestras for concerts and film productions. “For the legendary concert of Die Fantastischen Vier at Cannstatter Wasen I had to hire an orchestra from Russia – especially for this hommage to their and our home I would have liked to rely on a symphonic orchestra from Stuttgart.” Since the founding of the Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra, Stuttgart's cultural sky has been enlightened by a new star. A new “Sound of Stuttgart” is created by merging the long established traditions of various prestigious orchestras, such as Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Stuttgart, Staatsorchester Stuttgart, Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester and many more with new sound philosophies. One brief look at the Stuttgart State Opera's history reveals the city's high emphasis on music - its founding dates back to the 17th century. World famous conductors are guests there each season and almost every defining musical movement has been a part of the orchestra's history.

Every one of Stuttgart's orchestras has its own unique history and voice. The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra will continue this tradition and conduct it into a modern direction. Art and culture are there for people to experience. That's where the Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra stands – on the highest possible level, but eye to eye with the listener.

The Stuttgart Symphonic Orchestra. An orchestra of the future.


著名青年指挥家和中提琴独奏家马努尔·邓格勒(Manuel Dengler)毕业于斯图加特音乐学院和魏玛音乐学院。曾荣获世界各指挥大赛头奖,如德国班贝格古斯塔夫·马勒指挥比赛、德国卡拉扬指挥比赛、法国贝桑松国际指挥比赛、德意志指挥比赛等。2008至2010年担任巴登·弗登堡州青年交响乐团音乐总监。2010年起带领欧洲节日交响乐团在西欧和北欧进行巡回演出,音乐会常常获得销售一空的成绩。2011年受斯图加特交响乐团主席邀请担任乐团常驻指挥。2013年执棒世界最重要的现代音乐盛事之“多瑙爱申根国际音乐节”。马努尔·邓格勒还担任很多其他交响乐团的指挥,包括斯图加特西南广播交响乐团、柏林广播交响乐团、德累斯顿爱乐乐团、波恩贝多芬交响乐团、白俄罗斯民斯克国家交响乐团等,足迹遍布欧洲各大知名音乐厅,获得极大赞誉。

邓格勒的指挥风格细腻,表现力丰富。除了普通音乐会,他还勇于尝试不同的舞台演绎形式。如2011年曾担任以斯特拉文斯基《士兵的故事》音乐为基础的大型舞台剧艺术总监工作,赢得观众和媒体的极大关注。同时他还不断探索交响乐团与现代媒体科技在电影音乐中能够发挥的可能性。著名指挥赫尔伯特·布隆斯泰特曾这样评价他:“邓格勒是年轻一代指挥家中不可多得的极富创造性的代表之一 。”

Conductor: Manuel Dengler

Manuel Dengler is considered to be one of the most promising representatives of the generation of young German conductors. He has won several national and state prizes as a conductor as well as a chamber musician. In 2006, he performed Mozart’s “Sinfonia concertante” with the Municipal Orchestra Bad Saulgau. In 2010, Manuel Dengler assisted Wilhelm Keitel with the European Festival Orchestra during a project featuring the pianist David Helfgott. He was Keitel’s assistant at several opera and operetta productions in the same year. In 2013, he performed at the internationally renowned “Donaueschinger Musiktage”.

Manuel Dengler conducted several concerts in Southern Germany with the European Festival Orchestra in 2010. All concerts were sold out. Chopin’s 2nd Piano Concert and Rachmaninoff’s 3rd Piano Concert with the pianist Alexander Reitenbach were one of the main highlights. In 2011, Manuel Dengler was art director of a stage production featuring “The Soldier’s Tale” by Strawinsky, which drew the attention of the audience and press. In the same year, he was co-founder of the “Stuttgarter Symphoniker” and ever since has held the position of orchestra director.

His busy concert activity as guest conductor leads Manuel Dengler to work with different orchestras, such as the Belarusian National Orchestra Minsk, the Southwest German Chamber Orchestra Pforzheim, the European Festival Orchestra, the choir and orchestra of Ehingen, the “Stuttgarter Symphoniker” and many more.


奥斯卡·博霍克兹(Oscar Bohórquez)毕业于费城音乐学院和维也纳音乐大学。著名指挥和钢琴家克里斯多弗·埃申巴赫曾如此赞誉他:“他是当今众多年轻小提琴新秀中不可多得的天才……无论是演奏技巧,音乐表达还是舞台魅力,他在每个方面都是那么的完美!”2009年,博霍克兹作为独奏家与伦敦爱乐乐团成功演出;同年还灌录了匹亚佐拉、胡梅尔及易沙意等艺术家作品的独奏专辑。2012年他在法兰克福老歌剧院携手博物馆交响乐团和时任纽伦堡交响乐团的指挥韦格勒演出。作为独奏家,他的足迹还遍布各大音乐厅,如莱比锡布业大厅、柏林爱乐音乐厅、汉堡音乐厅、斯图加特音乐厅等。他的琴音还远赴瑞士和南美等地。博霍克兹还常常被邀请参加欧洲各著名的音乐节。




Violin: Oscar Bohórquez

Christoph Eschenbach, Music Director of the National Symphony Orchestra Washington DC, has described the rising German violinist, Oscar Bohórquez, as “one of the most promising young violinists. His splendid technique, his musical profoundness and his charisma are very special.”

The 20th september 2009 marked Oscar Bohórquez’s debut with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Oscar Bohórquez studied at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia with Professor Aaron Rosand from 1998 to 2002, and at the University of Music in Vienna with Professor Günter Pichler of the Alban Berg Quartett from 2002 to 2008.

Solo and chamber music activities have also taken him throughout Europe, the US, and Southamerica. This season Oscar Bohórquez performed at the New York “Strad for lunch” concert series. Upcoming concerts include reinvitations to the Gran Teatro Nacional del Perú in Lima, and the Teatro Regional del Maule in Chile in May 2013. Alongside his brother, the cellist Claudio Bohórquez, Oscar has formed the Bohórquez Duo, who recorded together the ‘Seduced’ Album of works by Paganini, Gallo and Piazzolla. Oscar’s solo album of music by Piazzolla, Hummel, and Ysaye was released at amazon.com.

Oscar Bohórquez plays the Giovanni Battista Guadagnini “Grande Dame” violin from 1770, which was previously owned by Günter Pichler of the Alban Berg Quartet. He currently resides in Paris.
