
2014年7月6日 ,午后三点剧院见:西班牙钢琴家茱迪•亚乌拉吉在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。








茱迪•亚乌拉吉是西班牙当今最炙手可热的钢琴家之一。她刚刚完成了一系列在重要音乐殿堂和各大音乐节的独奏和协奏演出,其中包括法国La Roqued'Antheron国际钢琴节、德国鲁尔钢琴节和与委内瑞拉著名西蒙·玻利瓦尔乐团的合作。她多次为西班牙国家广播电台、西班牙电视台、法国音乐电台录音。她的专辑《舒曼:微小中见艺术》由ColumnaMúsica发行,获得2011年独立音乐奖最佳古典唱片奖。

她接下来将与巴斯克交响乐团、马德里市立乐团、法国国家管弦乐团、科隆爱乐乐团和慕尼黑室内乐团合作演出。此外,她将向西班牙伟大的女钢琴家阿利西亚·德·拉罗查(Alicia de Larrocha)90岁生日的献礼,送上由她本人亲自操刀的新专辑《致艾丽西亚:西班牙的灵感》在西班牙各地巡演。专辑一经问世,立即得到评论界和听众的热情赞美。



— La Roqued'Anthéron国际钢琴节


— 西班牙古典音乐及舞蹈杂志《Scherzo》


— 西班牙古典音乐杂志《Melómano》

After her succeses on main stages and festivals - both in recital and with leading national orchestras - Judith Jáuregui has become one of the most sought-after and valued pianists in Spain, with a rising international career that includes concerts at the International Piano Festival of La Roqued'Antheron (France) and with the acclaimed Simón Bolívar Orchestra in Caracas (Venezuela).

Judith has recorded for major media -including Radio Nacional de España, Radio Televisión Española, and France Musique-Radio France- and her first solo album, titled "Robert Schumann, el arte de lo pequeño" (Robert Schumann, the art of small things - ColumnaMúsica), won the Best Classical Album prize at the 2011 Spanish Independent Music Awards.

Upcoming highlights include concerts with the Basque Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Community of Madrid, the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne and Munich Chamber Music Orchestra. She will also be touring various cities in Spain with her new CD "Para Alicia, inspiraciónespañola", a tribute to the great Alicia de Larrocha to mark the 90th anniversary of her birth, which has been extaordinarily well received by critics and audience alike, and with which Judith was fully involved releasing it under her own record label: BerliMusic. She will combine this tour with her other recital programmes at the National Auditorium, the Juan March Foundation in Madrid, the Alicante Auditorium and Las Palmas Philarmonic Society. On the international scene, after her debut in New York at the Yamaha Piano Salon, her forthcoming engagements will take her to prestigious stages such as the SchlossElmau Festival in Germany and on a tour in China in 2014.

Born in San Sebastian (Spain, 1985), she started her studies at the age of 5 in her local Conservatory where her talent stood out very early, making her recital debut at the age of 11 and her concerto debut with the San Sebastián Conservatory Orchestra a year later. After finishing her official studies, she continued them at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich, where she had the great opportunity of working with the great Russian maestro VadimSuchanov.Review

“...Clear, light touch, and equipped with a sober musical thought, delivered an elegant Chopin..."

- Festival International de Piano de La Roqued'Anthéron

"...suggestive fantasy and a limpid poetic flight...precise mechanism...clarity andtransparency...delicate, dreamy, virtuous and temperamental…"

- Scherzo Magazine

"Jáuregui is capable of filling each key she touches with beatiful meaning...her impeccable touch lends extraordinary passion and overwhelming vitality..."

- Melómano Magazine



D小调第三号幻想曲                                        莫扎特

降E大调第四号钢琴奏鸣曲                                 贝多芬






为钢琴而做的8首诗意圆舞曲                             格拉纳多斯

西班牙组曲                                            阿尔贝尼斯











Fantasia No.3 in D minor, K.397/385g                   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Piano Sonata No.4, in E-flat major, Op.7                 Ludwig van Beethoven  

- Allegro molto e con brio in E-flat major

- Largo, con gran espressione in C major

- Allegro in E-flat major and E flat minor

- Rondo: Poco allegretto e grazioso in E flat major


8 Valses Poéticos, for Piano                                Enrique Granados

Suite española, Op.47                                        Isaac Albéniz

- Granada (Serenade)

- Cataluña (Courante)

- Sevilla (Sevillanas)

- Cádiz (Canción)

- Asturias (Leyenda)

- Aragón (Fantasía)

- Castilla (Seguidilla)

- Cuba (Capriccio)            

