《我和博尔赫斯》 英国空动剧团

2014年8月29日 至 2014年8月31日 ,《我和博尔赫斯》 英国空动剧团在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。


2014.08.29 - 2014.08.31






* 英文对白,配中文字幕











豪尔赫•博尔赫斯 (Jorge Luis Borges,1899 – 1986) 是阿根廷作家和诗人,作品涵盖多个文学领域,以空灵隽永的文字和隐秘深刻的哲理见长。其代表作包括《虚构集》、《阿莱夫》以及众多中国读者所熟知的《小径分叉的花园》。

你是否还记得童年时你最爱的那本书?是怎样美好的愿景,让喜悦从孤独中油然生出?《我和博尔赫斯》创作于2008年,是英国空动剧团的成名作,在2009和2013爱丁堡艺穗节上均获巨大成功,并获全英戏剧奖 (Total Theatre Award) 提名。






Borges and I

Idle Motion

Performance Time: 2014/08/29-31 (Fri. – Sun.) 8:00 pm

Performance Venue: Experimental Theatre, Guangzhou Opera House

Price: 80 180 280VIP

* Performed in English with Chinese subtitles

"A poetic and visual feast...deeply powerful... a true ensemble piece" -- The Stage

Fringe Sell-Out Idle Motion return with their stunning Total Theatre Award nominated show Borges and I, exploring the life of visionary writer Jorge Borges and his remarkable work. Integrating creative stagecraft, innovative video projection and beautiful physicality, hundreds of books transform into a plethora of images, from a flock of birds to a city skyline, from an airplane to a universe of libraries.

Moving seamlessly between the worlds of Borges’ work and his readership, a vivid portrait is revealed of a man on the brink of blindness. Intertwined with this narrative is the tender story of a couple meeting at a haphazard book-group, brought together through their shared love of literature.

Developed in association with the New Diorama Theatre and Greenwich Theatre, Idle Motion are one of the countries leading young visual theatre companies who tour both nationally and internationally to critical acclaim. As with all of their work Idle Motion interweave the ordinary poetry inherent in our everyday lives with startling visual staging, revealing a beautiful musing on our relationships with books and the impact they have throughout our lives.

About Idle Motion

We create highly visual theatre that places human stories at the heart of our work. Integrating creative and playful stagecraft with innovative video projection and beautiful physicality, our productions are humorous, evocative and sensitive pieces of theatre which leave a lasting impression on their audiences.

From small beginnings, having met at school, we have grown rapidly as a company over the last six years, producing five shows as an ensemble that have toured extensively both nationally and internationally to critical acclaim.

Our collaborative relationship is at the centre of all that we do and we are proud to be an Associate Company at the New Diorama Theatre, The Lowryand the Oxford Playhouse. Idle Motion are a young company with big ideas and a huge passion for creating exciting and beautiful new work.
