2014年9月12日 ,"地平线上的战歌"新西兰国家管乐团与毛利战舞团在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。
让独特的诗感和音律 在地平线上天地之间 谱写一曲印象新西兰
以【白云之乡X大地之子】之名 打破精神和自然世界的连结
Kia ora!(毛利语:大家好!)
管乐团(Brass Band)专指英式铜管乐团,乐队规模一般在30人左右,演出形式灵活多样,满足室内外音乐会需求,演出曲目风格多样,既可演奏古典作品,也可演奏流行和爵士音乐。音乐会演出一般包括原创作品、根据管弦乐改编的作品、独奏节目以及进行曲、集成曲、赞美诗等。
奈杰尔•威克斯曾于英国多个顶尖管乐团工作。1994起于Dalewool Auckland Brass、新西兰青年国家管乐团等多支本地管乐团担任艺术总监和指挥,并在澳大利亚管乐比赛中担任评委。
大地之子——毛利人有一种名为“kapa haka”的独特的战舞,自古在各族开战前以鼓舞士气。毛利战舞团由新西兰选拔出来的最优秀的4男4女组成,与新西兰国家管乐团世界巡回演出。将融合了音乐、节奏、歌曲、舞蹈和肢体语言于一体的毛利族战舞,创作成为舞台上现代的、富有力量感的表演,让节奏呐喊内心 用战舞鼓动地面。
1. 《鲁斯兰与柳德米拉》,格林卡作曲。
2. 《我心中的乔治亚》,小号独奏。
3. 《交响舞曲》选自《西区故事》,伦纳德•伯恩斯坦作曲。
4. 《河水潺潺》新西兰歌曲,次中音号独奏。
5. 《两位缔造者》,菲利普•斯帕克作曲,次中音号二重奏。
6. 毛利战舞
7. 《帝国进行曲》,约翰•威廉姆斯作曲。《风笛手邓迪》(苏格兰传统风格),中音号独奏。
8. 《一千零一夜》,管乐团原创作品,史蒂芬•罗伯茨作曲。该曲目基于并包含了由里姆斯基•科萨科夫创作的《天方夜谭组曲》中的主题。
9. 《新地平线》,管乐团原创作品,保罗•洛瓦•库伯作曲。
10. 《Flowerdale》菲利普•斯帕克作曲,高音短号独奏。
11. 《罗马之松》,雷斯庇基作曲,霍华德•斯奈尔改编。
12. 毛利战舞
16.《巴巴雅格与基辅城门》,穆索斯基作曲,埃尔加• 豪沃斯改编。
Kapa Haka of New Horizons
The National Band of New Zealand and Kapa Haka Group
Place: GOH Opera Hall
Price: 80 180 280 380 480 680
The National Band of New Zealand
First formed in 1953, the National Band of New Zealand has been assembled periodically since.
There have been seventeen bands selected for national and international tours including tours of New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada, the United States of America, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Russia, Greece, Japan and Australia.
The highly professional standard attained by the National Band of New Zealand makes it difficult to realize that the members are mostly amateur musicians, selected from community bands throughout the nation and representing all walks of life.
The National Band’s wide variety of music appeals to all ages and musical tastes and has thrilled millions of listeners and won rave notices from critics at many of the world’s foremost attractions. Contest successes include three times winning the Brass Band section of the Music Festival at the World Music Concourse in the Netherlands, winner of the International Band Festival in Toronto, Canada; first place in the British Open Championship at Belle Vue.
Artistic Director/Conductor: Nigel Weeks
Nigel Weeks is originally from Wales where he spent a number of years working successfully with the United Kingdoms top brass bands. In 1994 he moved to New Zealand and was appointed the Music Director of Dalewool Auckland Brass. Under his direction they have won 5 New Zealand championships and 3 Australian championships. Nigel was Music Director of the National Youth Brass Band of New Zealand from 1998 until 2000. This year Nigel was the Chief Adjudicator for the Australian Brass Band Championships He is an examiner in brass for both the Australian Music Examining Board and the New Zealand Music Examining Board. He holds a MA in Performance and a Diploma in Teaching.
Kapa Haka Group
Kapa haka is commonly used to describe modern day performance of traditional and contemporary Maori song and dance. The kapa can be performed by any number of people.
The Kapa haka group is 8 strong,4 men and 4 women. It would be selected by audition.
1. Russlan and Ludmilla by Gliinka.
2. Georgia on my Mind arranged as a cornet solo.
3. Symphonic Dances by Leonard Bernstein from West Side Story
4. Pokarekare Ana NZ song arranged as Euphonium Solo.
5. Two Part Invention by Phillip Sparke. Euphonium duet.
6. Kapa Haka
7. Imperial March. John Williams.
8. Arabian Nights by Stephen Roberts An original work for brass band but based on and containing themes from Scherazade by Rimsky Korsakov.
9.New Horizons by Paul Lovatt Cooper. An original work for brass band.
10. Flowerdale. by Phillip Sparke Soprano Cornet Solo.
11. Pines of Rome by Respighi arranged for Brass Band by Howard Snell.
12. Kapa Haka
13. La Fiesta by Chick Corea
14. Piper of Dundee a Scottish traditional arranged as a Tenor Horn solo.
15. O Magnum Mysterium by Morten Lauridsen
16. Baba Yaga and Great Gate of Kiev by Mussorgsky arranged for brass band by Elgar Howarth.