音乐后花园 感知音乐的纯真 意大利亲密之音三重奏

2015年3月24日 ,音乐后花园 感知音乐的纯真 意大利亲密之音三重奏在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。







音乐后花园  感知音乐的纯真


演出时间:2015年3月24日 (星期二)20:00

演出地点: 广州大剧院 实验剧场

演出票价: 80 180 280



---- 意大利《共和报》


----  《莫扎特》


----  《留声机》





从三重奏组合建立至今,“亲密之音”登上过世界各国大大小小有威望的音乐厅,获得业界职业评论人的高度肯定;也被邀至英国广播公司的音乐台BBC –Radio 3现场录制演出。他们擅长于演绎钢琴三重奏中最难的曲目,专注于在极尽掌控乐器的动作中,透过肢体感受作曲者当时的创作思绪;在繁杂却不失章理的音乐里,体验作曲家的内心情感与灵魂。

给乐队取名亲密之音,(拉丁语)Voces Intimae, 源于三人初期合作排练时出现的一份谱子,名“亲密之音”,是西贝柳斯的一首弦乐四重奏。研读谱子时,在提琴手的示范下, 三人不约而同地发现,内心最深处的情感,恰能透过最朴素的音域和自然流露的灵感得以充分表达。 而通过琴音表达灵魂,这正是三人聚在一起演奏音乐的初衷!三人迅速搜寻资料,发现竟没有任何弦乐四重奏注册了“亲密之音”的名字。如获至宝,切凯蒂,菲利彼和梅欧的三重奏毫不客气地用了“亲密之音 Voces Intimae”做名字。


R. Schumann: Phantasiestücke op. 88

舒曼 梦幻曲组曲 作品88号  (童年情景之梦幻曲)

F. Mendelssohn: Trio in D min. op. 49

门德尔松 d小调三重奏 作品49号


Ildebrando Pizzetti: Rapsodia di settembre

伊德勃兰多·皮泽蒂  9月狂想曲

Clara Wieck Schumann: Andante in G min.

克拉拉威克·舒曼 G小调 行板  

F. Chopin: Trio in G min. op. 8

肖邦 g小调三重奏 作品8号


理查德·切凯蒂  钢琴家、古钢琴家


路易基德·菲丽彼 小提琴


桑德罗·梅欧 大提琴


a transparent interpretation from the romantic period

Voces Intimae Piano Trio

Time: 2015.03.24 (Sun) 20:00

Place: Guangzhou Opera House, Experimental Theatre

Price: TBC

The name Voces Intimae was chosen from Sebelius’string quartet – Voces Intimae, to convey the trio’s sensitivity to the subtleties of the repertoire, preferring, for instance, to highlight the delicate suggestion of a horse’s trotting gait in the rhythm of a passage of music, rather than thoughtlessly articulating it in a manner recalling the sound of a round of artillery.  In this way, the group allows the subtle complexities, the delicate and ever-shifting shades of colour, and the streaks of melancholy running through the music to shine through, all aspects which were often neglected during the 20th century. The aim of the trio is to restore the music to the purity of its original form, and to realise the true intentions of the composer in their production of tone and phrasing.  Thus, they hope to bring the authentic historical context back to life in their performance of the music. Having appeared in Prestige revenues like Wigmore Hall and St. John’s Smith Square in London, the Voces Intimae Trio has won numerous praises from the critics as well as the audiences:

“A performance of inspired clarity and subtle expression, characterized by a transparent reading and flawless intonation.” —The Strad

“..the colours and distinctive voices of Voces Intimae are a revelation” —George Pratt, BBC MusicMagazine – April 2006

“..The interplay between the players is a delight…the performance is magnetic..” —EdwardGreenfield, Gramophone – April 2006

“….Voces Intimae restores to this music all its poetry and transparency…” Vincent

Casanova, Le Monde de la Musique

“…Three excellent interpreters…”5 stars “Amadeus” – Massimo Rolando Zegna.


R. Schumann: Phantasiestücke op. 88

F. Mendelssohn: Trio in D min. op. 49


Ildebrando Pizzetti: Rapsodia di settembre

Clara Wieck Schumann: Andante in G min.

F. Chopin: Trio in G min. op. 8

Approximate duration: 95 mins

Riccardo Cecchetti – piano

Luigi de Filippi – violin

Sandro Meo – violoncello
