夏季音乐节 当钢琴遇上洗衣板

2015年7月31日 至 2015年8月1日 ,夏季音乐节 当钢琴遇上洗衣板在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。


2015.07.31 - 2015.08.01










本该优雅地弹着琴  却借演乐器之便说起了脱口秀?!!




这场有趣的音乐喜剧秀将结合钢琴与洗衣板、古典与现代音乐、喜剧与音乐史… …,期望原本应该不兼容的各种元素,可以擦出奇妙的火花。

音乐顽童范德腾(John Vaughan),将与他的好朋友霍力(Tim Hogan),用手中的钢琴与洗衣板,混合古典、爵士以及美国民谣,展现爵士「jam session」 的即兴精髓,融合古典与通俗音乐,结合音乐与戏剧,一同玩出不一样的音乐。他们透过幽默又发人深省对话,与我们分享两人在台湾宝岛的体验,以及生命热情的活力。欢笑,逗趣,在这里轻松接触古典音乐,惊喜无限!!!

钢琴:范德腾John Vaughan


除了经常以独奏家身份在台湾各地演出,自2008年起,他开始举办一系列的教学讲座,包括:『如何掳获评审的心』、『范法腾讲法步西』、『决战钢琴擂台赛』、『名侦探范德腾』、『好惊人的美国生产力』… …等等。从2011年起,范德腾分别担任了NSO探索频道系列讲座音乐会『贝多芬的室内乐三兄弟』、『约翰们走路』与『拉、啦、LA、拉威尔』中的主讲人与钢琴演奏,并在国家音乐厅交响乐团『画黑豆豆的人』演出中担任中文场和英文场的说书人一职。从2009年起,范德腾尝试结合古典钢琴、流行音乐、现代相声等元素,试图展现另一种颠覆传统、又具教育意义的舞台艺术。

洗衣板:霍力Tim Hogan


从1990年到了台湾之后,霍力对于打击乐的兴趣更是一发不可收拾。 他成为一个由在台北的外籍音乐家所组成的乐团——“泥滩地浪人”的团员,在团里演奏自制的鼓、各式各样的钹和锣、以及自己的主乐器——洗衣板。那是一个由木头框架框住钢制的波浪状洗衣板,外加一些牛铃、厨房里的锅碗瓢盆等等可以敲打出节奏的器具而组成的乐器,演奏时是由开瓶器来敲或刮出声响。


霍力会跟着“泥滩地浪人”乐团到台湾各地去表演,不管是台北的“流浪之歌音乐节”,还是屏东的“魅力民谣- 恒春国际歌谣节”,或是宜兰的“绿色博览会”、台中的“爵士音乐节”、垦丁的“春吶”,都可以看到他们的足迹。“泥滩地浪人”乐团到目前已经发行了两张专辑,一张是2007年发行的“David Chen and the Muddy Basin Ramblers”,另一张是2013年发行的“宝岛卖药秀”。


Summer Music Festival

Piano and Washboard-percussion Duo

Piano Comedy in the tradition of Victor Borge

Time: 2015/07/31 – 08/01  20:00pm

Place: Guangzhou Opera House, Experimental Hall                

Price: 80 180 280

John Vaughan - Piano

Dr. John Vaughan is a pianist, entertainer, music professor and lecturer based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Since 2009, John has starred in the Performance Workshop comedy musical Just Play It. Combining classical music, the blues, comic dialogue, multimedia and dance, this heartwarming journey of the senses (performed in Mandarin Chinese) has met with rousing receptions in theaters throughout Taiwan and China. John’s relationship with Performance Workshop, Taiwan’s premiere theater troupe, dates back to 2000, when he composed the score for their first musical Welcome to Shangri-La. (A soundtrack CD was recorded on the Decca label.) He later arranged and recorded music for the plays The Village and The Comedy of Sex and Politics. Dr. Vaughan’s performances represent a wide range of styles and also include groundbreaking physical comedy at the piano in the tradition of Victor Borge.

Similarly, when teaching, he employs humor, visualization and the “circus arts” to bring his subject to life. An associate professor of piano at Soochow University in Taipei, he also guest lectures at universities and music schools across the country. In 2008, he began a continuing series of seminars on piano music at the Taipei Steinway Venter. Tailored for professional pianists and piano instructors, these 2 hours lecture-performances attempt to present practical solutions to common problems faced in the teaching studio, while promoting a deeper exploration into the vast repertoire of piano music. To date, he has presented over 150 lectures at this venue.

His performances as soloist and in collaboration with other well-known instrumentalists have taken him to every city and all 15 counties on the island of Taiwan, as well as the offshore islands of Penghu and Jinmen. Since Feb. 2011, he has written a column in Performance Arts Review, a monthly periodical.

Born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, John began his musical studies at age four at the Lancaster Conservatory of Music. John made his first appearance as soloist with orchestra at age 10. At 14 he performed at  a concert celebrating International Year of Child, and appeared as an accompanist in the ellipse of the White House in Washington D.C. His composition, Sunburst Overture, written at age 13, was performed by the Kennett Symphony Orchestra.

While studying at Oberlin Conservatory, where he was awarded the Dana Fellowship for accompanying, he won the top prize in numerous competitions. He received his Master’s degree from University of the Arts in Philadelphia and, in 1993, he was awarded a Doctorate from the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University.

Tim Hogan – Washboard Percussion


C. Debussy:  "General Lavine"--excentric

德彪西           《古怪的拉文》

C. Debussy: Golliwog's Cakewalk

德彪西           《木偶的步态舞》

B. Mayerl: Railroad Rhythm

梅耶尔          《铁路节奏》

W. Bolcom: Graceful Ghost Rag

博尔科姆       《优雅的灵歌拉格泰姆》

W. Bolcom: The Poltergeist

博尔科姆       《调皮鬼》

E. Granados: Spanish Dance No. 2

格拉纳多斯     《第二號西班牙舞曲》

J.S. Bach: Minuets 1 and 2 from Partita No. 1

巴赫           《小步舞曲》

Beethoven Ode to Joy

贝多芬           《欢乐颂》

C. Debussy:  "General Lavine"--excentric

C. Debussy: Golliwog's Cakewalk

B. Mayerl: Railroad Rhythm

W. Bolcom: Graceful Ghost Rag

W. Bolcom: The Poltergeist

E. Granados: Spanish Dance No. 2

J.S. Bach: Minuets 1 and 2 from Partita No. 1

Beethoven: Ode to Joy

