2016年5月7日 ,谭盾《武侠三部曲》视听交响音乐会在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。
联合国教科文组织全球亲善大使,国际知名指挥家、作曲家谭盾现任中国国家交响乐团艺术指导,荷兰尼德兰交响乐团荣誉指挥和中国青年交响乐团艺术总监指挥。谭盾赢得过多项当今世界最具影响的音乐大奖,其中包括格莱美大奖、奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖和格文美尔(Grawemeyer Award)大奖、德国巴赫奖和俄国的肖斯塔克维奇大奖。纽约时报评其为“国际乐坛最重要的十位音乐家之一”,中国文化部授予其“二十世纪经典作曲家”的称号,凤凰卫视等全球最重要的十家华文媒体评其为2006年影响世界的十位华人之一,CCTV“中华之光”评选其为2014年传播中华文化年度人物之一。
他作为中国唯一的将指挥和作曲融为一身的艺术家,经常执棒世界众多最著名乐团,其中包括:费城交响乐团、荷兰皇家音乐厅乐团、伦敦交响乐团、波士顿交响乐团、纽约爱乐、柏林爱乐、法国国家交响乐团、英国BBC交响乐团、米兰斯卡拉歌剧院乐团、慕尼黑爱乐、意大利Santa Cecilia交响乐团、美国大都会歌剧院乐团和上海交响乐团、中国爱乐和中国国家交响乐团等。
他与Google/YouTube合作的世界首部网络交响乐《英雄》拥有高达二千五百万人次在线欣赏量。他的“有机音乐三部曲”——《水乐》、《纸乐》、《垚乐》和《武侠三部曲》经常上演于世界各大音乐厅。他的多媒体代表作品《地图》,由马友友和波士顿交响乐团作世界首演,作品手稿已被纽约卡内基音乐厅世界作曲大师手稿廊永久收藏并展出,他是第一位东方获此殊荣的音乐家。他的歌剧《秦始皇》由世界男高音巨星多明戈首演于纽约大都会歌剧院。2008年他应邀创作中国奥运会徽标LOGO音乐和颁奖音乐。他的打击乐协奏曲《水》和钢琴协奏曲《火》由Chris Lamb、郎朗及纽约爱乐首演。2010年,谭盾应邀担任中国上海世博会全球文化大使,他为世博创作的环保艺术《水乐堂》及实景昆曲《牡丹亭》已成功演出五年,并获得国内外观众的一致好评。
钢琴家麦戈得丽娜·巴切夫斯加曾经被“美国唱片指南”协会评为世界级的演奏家。《棕榈滩艺术报》这样评价她:她拥有的浓厚的音乐底蕴、教育的激情以及与生俱来的演讲才能,让观众感受到“巴切夫斯加式的启发”。她在国际上获得过无数奖项,包括国际肖邦钢琴大赛、米耶克茲洛孟茲钢琴大赛和多萝西麦肯齐大奖等,被波兰文化部授予了杰出贡献奖以及荣誉海外公民。她的首张专辑“献给格伦·古尔德”被美国唱片指南评选为“一张无与伦比的录音”,《留声机》杂志也评价此专辑“熟悉而完美的旋律”。接着,她与一家医疗团队“蓝色睡眠”合作发行了她的第二张专辑“音乐的梦想”,目的在于帮助和资料那些失眠的人群。巴切夫斯加师从著名钢琴演奏大师Constance Keene,获得了曼哈顿音乐学院音乐艺术博士学位,目前在哥伦比亚大学音乐表演系担任教授。
GOH Anniversary Season
TAN DUN’sMartial Arts Trilogy
Performance Time: 2016/5/7(Sat.) 8:00pm
Performance Venue: Opera Hall, Guangzhou Opera House
Price: 280 480 680 880 1280 1680
Performance Duration: 135min.(15min. interval included)
Tan Dun——Conductor/Composer
The UNESCOglobal Goodwill Ambassador, world-renowned conductor/composer Tan Dun follows in the footsteps of his musical icons composer/conductor’s Mahler and Bernstein, in that his composing guides his conducting and his conducting simultaneously shapes his composing. He has made an indelible mark on the world's music scene with a creative repertoire that spans the boundaries of classical music, multimedia performance, and Eastern and Western traditions. A winner of today's most prestigious honors including the Grammy Award, Oscar/Academy Award, Grawemeyer Award for classical composition, Musical America's Composer of The Year, Bach of Germany Prize, and Moscow’s Shostakovich Award, Tan Dun's music has been played throughout the world by leading orchestras, opera houses, international festivals, and on the radio and television. As a conductor, Tan Dun has led the world's most esteemed orchestras, including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Berliner Philharmoniker, Orchestre National de France, BBC Symphony Orchestra, FilharmonicadellaScala, MünchnerPhilharmoniker, the Santa Cecilia Orchestra and Melbourne Symphony. As a global cultural leader, Tan Dun uses his creativity to raise awareness of environmental issues and to protect cultural diversity. In 2010, Tan Dun served as “Cultural Ambassador to the World” for World EXPO Shanghai.
Tan Dun’s individual voice has been heard widely by international audiences. In recent seasons, his percussion concerto, The Tears of Nature, for world famous soloist Martin Grubinger that premiered last year with the NDR Symphony Orchestra and Nu Shu: The Secret Songs of Women-(symphony for 13 microfilms, harp and orchestra) co-commissioned by the Philadelphia Orchestra, Japan’s NHK Symphony and Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam. His first Internet Symphony, which was commissioned by Google/YouTube, has reached over 23 million people online. His Organic Music Trilogy of Water, Paper and Ceramic has frequented major concert halls and festivals. Paper Concerto was premiered with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the opening of the Walt Disney Hall. His multimedia work, The Map, premiered by YoYo Ma and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, has toured more than 30 countries worldwide. Its manuscript has been collected by the Carnegie Hall Composers Gallery. His Orchestral Theatre: The Gate was premiered by Japan’s NHK Symphony Orchestra and crosses the cultural boundaries of Peking Opera, Western Opera and puppet theatre traditions. Other important recent premieres include Four Secret Roads of Marco Polo for the Berlin Philharmonic and Piano Concerto “The Fire” for Lang Lang and the New York Philharmonic. Tan Dun was commissioned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to write the Logo Music and Award Ceremony Music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Recently, Tan Dun has been appointed as Honorary Artistic Director of China National Symphony Orchestra.
Martial Arts Trilogy
World-renowned composer/conductor Tan Dun has had the honor of composing film music for three films by critically acclaimed directors: Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Zhang Yimou(Hero), and FengXiaogang (The Banquet). Combining the ancient tradition of Chinese martial arts philosophy and visual arts, the films were all received with high praise worldwide. The work consists of three concertos: Crouching Tiger Concerto for Cello,Hero Concerto for Violiand Banquet Concerto for Piano.
Dundemonstrates an ability to mix traditional Chinese sounds with Western orchestral styles, an appropriate approach to films with mixed origins.His Martial Arts Trilogy is pure beauty and cinematic drama. Scenes from three of his renowned films—including Hero, The Banquet, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon—are played on the big screen while the orchestra performs the powerful scores live.
EldbjørgHemsing has established herself as one of the most promising and exciting violinists of her generation. Born in 1990, she had her orchestra solo debut with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra at only age 11. As of today, she has already performed with orchestras such as the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Wiener Symphoniker, Zurich Chamber Orchestra, MDR Radio Symphony Orchestra Leipzig, NDR Radio Symphony Orchestra Hannover, Jyvaskyla Sinfonia, Poznan Philharmonic, Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Czech National Symphony Orchestra, Ukrainian National Philharmonic Orchestra and many more. Recently, she performed at the She regularly performs for the King of Norway during state meetings and events.
A close collaboration links Eldbjørg with renowned composer and conductor Tan Dun, who invited her to perform his Hero Concerto with the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra and the MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra; she also premiered several of his pieces, such as TheTriple Resurrection in Liepzig, his violin concerto The Loveduring the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai,accompanied bythe Trondheim Symphony Orchestra in the Far East. Asia is still in her radar as she is invited to performin the upcoming season with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Tan Dun.
Cello:Zhu Lin
As one of China’s rising stars, Zhu Lin has been hailed for her powerful performances, and has been described as one of the important young cellists of her generation. At the Shanghai Conservatory, she was designated as first chair of their widely recognized student orchestra, and during her time there was also selected to be a part of world-renowned composer/conductor Tan Dun’s acclaimed Water Heavens string quartet which has had over 200 performances.
In recent years, Zhu Lin has been active as a soloist at home and abroad. In December 2014, she performed in Santiago, Chile, at their annual Santiagoa Mil International Arts Festival, representing the China Shanghai International Arts Festival. In the same year, Zhu Lin was invited by China National Symphony Orchestra, and collaborated with Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology, the most authoritative environmental organsation in China, in a nature-themed concert with wide critical acclaim. In 2015, she performed as soloist with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra for the opening of Ljubljana Festival; in the same year she was also invited to perform at the HSBC Global 150th anniversary celebrations in Hong Kong.
In China, Zhu Lin has collaborated as soloist with the China National Symphony Orchestra, Qingdao Symphony Orchestra and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra.
Born in Shenyang Province, Zhu Lin is under the tutelage of renowned educator, Professor Cao Min, and is currently completing her post-graduate studies at Shanghai Music Conservatory.
Piano:Magdalena Baczewska
Pianist and harpsichordist Magdalena Baczewskahas been praised for her “world-class playing” by the American Record Guide. Combining profound musicianship, passion for educating and a gift of public speaking, she is increasingly known for her innovative recital programming ideas and making her audiences think. "Baczewska enlightens…" writes the Palm Beach Arts Paper. Her performances, hailed as “eloquent and technically flawless” (The Washington Post), have been broadcast on radio stations across America, including WQXR, NPR, Voice of America, and on European Radio and Television. Magdalena was recently appointed Director of the Music Performance Program at Columbia University in the City of New York.
Magdalena is a laureate of international piano competitions, including the International Chopin Competition at the Kosciuszko Foundation, the MieczyslawMunz Competition, and the Dorothy MacKenzie Recognition Award, Prix du piano at the ÉcoleAméricaine in Fountainebleau, France. She is a recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Polish Minister of Culture, and a laureate of the Award for Outstanding Polish Citizen Abroad.
Baczewska's album, “A Tribute to Glenn Gould” was hailed by the American Record Guide as “an uncommonly good recording,” and the Gramophone described it as “beautiful and intimately scaled.” Her subsequent three albums, “Music for Dreams,” were released in collaboration with BlueSleep®, a medical team specialized in research and treatment of sleep disorders.
She holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Manhattan School of Music (having studied with Constance Keene). And she is a full-time faculty member and Director of the Music Performance Program at Columbia University.
一、 《英雄》小提琴协奏曲
1. 英雄
2. 棋馆
3. 武士
4. 桦树林
5. 刺秦
6. 悲情沙漠
7. 英雄葬礼
8. 天下
二、 《卧虎》大提琴协奏曲
1. 卧虎藏龙
2. 丝路奇遇
3. 永恒誓言
4. 南行
5. 永别
---- 中场休息 ----
三、 《夜宴》钢琴协奏曲
1. 面具
2. 今夜之后
3. 孤独的等待(作词:盛和煜)
4. 剑舞飞翔
5. 欲
6. 雪域逃亡
7. 复仇
8. 我用所有报答爱(作词:范学宜)
四、 终曲:《复活》小提琴 大提琴 钢琴三重协奏曲
Hero Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
In the Chess Court
Gone with Leaves
Sorrow in Desert
Death of Hero
War and Peace
Crouching Tiger Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon
Silk Road: Encounters
Eternal Vow
To the South
The Banquet Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
The Masks
After Tonight
Longing in Silence
Sword Dance
Exile to Snowy West
Only for Love
The Triple Resurrection