英俊少年 德意志威斯巴赫童声合唱团音乐会

2016年5月15日 ,英俊少年 德意志威斯巴赫童声合唱团音乐会在 广州大剧院 精彩上演。





















The Windsbach Boys Choir is one of the leading ensembles of its kind. Sacred music - spanning from the Renaissance to the present - forms the core of its repertoire. In addition to many a cappella pieces, the major oratorios of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Stravinsky are its primary focus.

A unique synthesis of musicality, versatility, precision, and purity of sound is the choir’s trade-mark. „The music begins for them beyond the point where others stop, that is to say, deeper than the lovely surface,“ raved the „Frankfurter Rundschau“ about the choir’s fascinating vocal abilities. It is, then, no wonder that leading conductors, such as Kent Nagano, and orchestras such as the Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester and the Symphonieorchester of the Bavarian Rundfunk, enjoy collaborations with the choir. Frequent invitations to important music festivals have solidified the choir’s reputation as an important part of the national and international concert scene. In addition to concert tours within Europe, the choir has performed in Japan, North and South America, Taiwan, and Singapore, and will appear in China in May/ June 2009. Many CD and radio recordings, as well as television appearances, have inspired music critics and audiences alike.

Raising young people’s enthusiasm and appreciation for music is central to the mission of Windsbach’s leadership. Along with the choral training the boys receive from Karl-Friedrich Beringer and the musical staff, a very high-quality, well-rounded education is provided by the boarding school, which is integrated within a state school (Gymnasium). Support is provided by the state, the church, and private donors committed to the musical and educational development of the students. As cultural ambassadors, the choir represents the Franconian region, as well the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria.

Cultivating Voices for Over Sixty Years

Since its founding by Hans Thamm in 1946, the Windsbach Boys Choir has deeply influenced generations of young singers. The boys in the original choir who joined at age nine are now in their 70s; the boys entering the current choir could be their grandchildren! Over 1500 boys and young men have spent significant years of their lives here in Windsbach.

The choir gives approximately seventy performances a year in Germany and abroad, reaching some 35,000 concertgoers. As the first post-WWII German ensemble to perform in Israel, the choir wrote history with its rendition of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion there. The choir has also acted as a musical ambassador for Germany at official state visits of several German presidents. In the anniversary year of 2006, the choir was able to look back on its stunning development: from the provincial choir that it was in the 1950s, it has evolved into one of the most respected boys choirs in the world. For this accomplishment, it is grateful to its founder and especially his successor, Karl-Friedrich Beringer.

Martin Lehmann

Martin Lehmann succeeded Karl-Friedrich Beringer in February 2012 as the conductor of the Windsbach Boys Choir. Lehmann, born in 1973, received his first musical training as a member of the Kreuzchor of Dresden, one of Germany’s oldest boys choirs. In 1995, he entered a foreign study program for musicology in South America, then returned to Dresden to study choral conducting with Professor Hans-Christoph Rademann at the Musikhochschule Carl-Maria von Weber. During this time, Martin Lehmann was a member, then assistant conductor, of the Dresdner Kammerchor, as well as founder and director of the chamber choir Cantamus Dresden. In 2000 he was the recipient of the Rudolf Mauersberger Scholarship, and completed his degree in 2001. Lehmann also worked as a teaching assistant conducting the choir of the Musikhochschule from 2000-2005. During this time he continued advanced study in Choral Conducting (Prof. Rademann) and Orchestral Conducting (GMD Georg Sandemann) at Dresden’s Musikhochschule. He completed this degree „with high honors“ in 2004.

From 2001-2005, Martin Lehmann directed the Schola Cantorum Leipzig, a children’s and girls’ choir of the city of Leipzig. From 2005-2011, he was the musical director of the boys Wuppertaler Kurrende. During this time, from 2008 to 2011, he also led the chamber choir amici del canto in Wuppertal.

Numerous prizes of choral competitions, collaboration with renowned orchestras (WDR BigBand, Dresdner Barockorchester), as well as CD, television, and radio recordings, document Martin Lehmann’s outstand.


铜管乐 舞曲

合唱:孩子们一起来玩耍! 佛兰克•梅西奥 儿歌

合唱:我们深深的相爱 弗里德里奇 儿歌

铜管乐 欢乐的舞曲

合唱:拉丁美洲的回音 美国奥兰多民歌

铜管乐 浪漫的旋律

合唱:在绿草地上醒来 门德尔松 德国民歌

合唱: 我们慢慢长大了 门德尔松 安静的德国儿歌

男生合唱: 冷淡的理由 弗里德里希•西舍尔 德国民歌

合唱:仙纳多河畔 美国民歌

铜管乐 赞美诗般的

合唱和铜管乐:第九交响曲“欢乐颂” 贝多芬

铜管乐 电影音乐

合唱和铜管乐:野玫瑰 维利•威斯曼 德国儿歌

合唱和铜管乐:爱情带来的欢乐 赫尔穆特•巴博 儿歌

铜管乐: 电影音乐

合唱:最后的玫瑰 佛罗托夫歌剧“马塔”选曲 德国电影《英俊少年》



铜管乐: 环球音乐旋律

合唱:音乐万岁 伊万•艾略德 儿歌

童声合唱:在树上 艾斯特•佩平 德国儿歌

男生合唱和铜管乐 :池塘边的猎人 海因里希•波什 德国民歌

合唱:美丽的小花朵 罗伯特•舒曼 德国儿歌

铜管乐: 环球音乐旋律

合唱:玫瑰色嘴唇的女孩子 利斯曼 德国儿歌

合唱:再会了,我的树林 门德尔松 德国儿歌

铜管乐: 轻松的音乐

合唱:穆勒的最爱是登山 赫尔穆特•巴博 德国民歌

合唱:让我们出发吧! 勃拉姆斯 德国儿歌

合唱:森林的夜晚 勃拉姆斯 德国儿歌

合唱和铜管乐:牵手 中国歌曲


Brass Dance music

Chorus: Kommt, ihr G’spielen Frank Melchior Children’s song

Chorus: Wir lieben sehr im Herzen Friderici, Daniel Children’s song

Brass Dance music (joyful)

Chorus: O la, o che bon eccho Orlando folk music

Brass Romantic melody

Chorus: Im Grün erwacht Mendelssohn German folk music

Chorus: Es fiel ein Reif Mendelssohn German children‘s song

Boys chorus: Untreue Silcher Friedrich German folk music

Chorus: Shenandoah American folk music

Brass Hymnisch

Chorus and brass: Freude schöner Götterfunken Beethoven

Brass Film music

Chorus and brass: Heidenröslein Weissmann Wilhelm German children’s song

Chorus and brass: Das Lieben bringt Barbe•Helmut Children’s song

Brass Film music

Chorus : Letzte Rose Flotow aus Oper „Martha“

Chorus and brass : Kleine Fliederlein Chinese children’s song


Brass Virtuos U-Music

Chorus: Viva, la musica Ivan Eröd Children’s song

Children chorus: Auf einem Baum Ernst Pepping German children’s song

Boys chorus: Ein Jäger längs Heinrich Poos German folk music

Chorus : Schön Blümlein Robert Schumann German children’s song

Brass : Virtuos U-Music

Chorus: Mein Mädel hat Göttsche Lissmann German children’s song

Chorus: O Täler weit Mendelssohn German children’s song

Brass: Virtuos Loose

Chorus: Das Wandern Helmut Barbe German folk music

Chorus: Ich fahr dahin Johannes Brahms German children’s song

Chorus: Waldesnacht Johannes Brahms German children’s song

Chorus and brass: Hold Hands Chinese song

